Winterizing Your Garden

by jackiesons in Outside > Backyard

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Winterizing Your Garden


Getting ready for winter is very important in most ways as the season approaches, especially in regards to your garden and landscaping. An incoming cold front means a couple of things for yards as they will be outside to face the elements. A person should make winterizing their garden a priority because it keeps the garden thriving even in the colder temperatures and weather. It is an absolute necessity for a healthy garden in the upcoming year. This will make it possible to ensure your beloved garden will come back the next year for another beautiful bloom of growth and prosperity.

Preparing For Winter

Once you have decided to winterize your garden, there are a few steps to be followed. These methods will be sure to help your garden prepare for the coming cold season. They will assist in the garden and its produce or blooms to adjust to the dramatic change in weather that people experience in winter. With the right knowledge and care from a gardener, whether they be a beginner or expert in the field, there is no reason why an individual shouldn't be able to winterize their garden if they so choose to do.

Don't Forget to Mulch


Be Sure to Mulch Your Garden

While mulching may not be the first thing a person thinks about when wanting to winterize their garden, it is still a valuable choice none the less. Mulching for the winter can have several positive effects that will create a lasting impact for the coldest months of the year. When given more mulch, the gardener can help insulate a plant's soil and work to protect it for the long haul of winter. This will ultimately work to improve your garden survive through the long season of frequent frost and cold temperatures as it draws nearer.

Weed the Area


Weeding a garden is vital in any season, but this continues to remain faithful when preparing for the upcoming winter. A gardener should be sure to remove any weeds and tend to the pesky growths occurring around the designated garden space. This would include many things like dead plants or their parts. Removing annoyingly invasive plants will be suitable for your garden and the other plants in it. When choosing weed, it would also be an excellent time to remove any other miscellaneous debris that may have popped up over the year.

Plant Any Bulbs You Have


A gardener who plants bulbs later in the year has a better opportunity to create a good spring resurgence. A bulb planted in late fall or early winter will have significant payoff long term for the next year to come for a number of reasons. This is because it will give all the plants the time to establish themselves in the spot with their roots as the seasons' change. Most experts recommend all bulbs be planted approximately six to eight weeks before the ground freezes for the first instance to achieve the best result possible

Don't Forget to Water


Watering Before Winter Arrives

As a fact, water is essential for almost any plant to thrive in general. It will provide many benefits for your garden that can have continued effects through the seasons and months — and watering before winter is no different than this. It is always a good idea to give plants one last drink for the year, especially if natural rain has been infrequent. A long sip of water can do a plant wonders before the weather shifts to the cold. Keeping in mind that watering isn't something to be continued through winter, one final drink can be massively helpful for the plants in your garden.

Bring Delicate Plants Inside


Another critical step for gardeners is to bring in any delicate flowers from the cold if they can be preserved, and you want to do it. This will prevent them from drying out while some of the others, using the steps provided, tough it out through the winter. They can be brought in as houseplants or stored in a space similar to a shed. The best option for this is usually finding a cool and dry place – saying that though every plant is different, so be sure to read up on the circumstances best for the specific plant in question.

The Finishing Touches


Preparing a garden for winter is something everyone should consider to provide the best possible push through the harsh weather that will be approaching. Any garden can do well through the cold season when the right measures are considered and taken to winterize or otherwise assist it. And with these tried and true steps, gardeners have all they need to help their plants get through the season to come successfully – no matter how brutal the winter may be or what kind of garden they have.