Winter Proof Any Shoe - Using DIY Traction Spikes

by CJA3D in Outside > Snow

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Winter Proof Any Shoe - Using DIY Traction Spikes

Winter Proof any Shoe using Traction Spikes

Winter Proof any Shoe using Traction Spikes made of a simple 3D printed part that you can use to prevent you from slipping on icy roads and pathways.Now you'll be able to confidently stand, walk, or run on just about any icy terrain.

Use the 3D printed part attached in step 2 with screws and Velcro to complete the build,which makes it easy to remove and store in your jacket pocket.

You can also use this with work shoes as shown in the picture above if you work outdoors most of the time..

My motivation for this 3D printed Traction Spikes part was a close call that i had a couple of days back, while walking on a icy walkway with my sneakers, to get to my car..

Things You'll Need


3D printer

3D printerfilament - in my case i am using Orange/blue 1.75mm PLA

Laptop to download and send commands to print the stl file

Screw - 32x1/2 in

Screw driver

Plier to hold the 3D printed part

Velcro strap (width should be between 1.4 to 2 centimeters)

3D Print the Stl File

Screen Shot 2014-11-30 at 6.12.51 PM.png

Download the 3D printing software that you printer supports, in my case i am using the Printrbot Simple Metal which use Repetier-Host as a software to

  • Slice the STL files attached, which basically means cutting the part into various layers
  • And send commands to the 3D printer while printing

Download the STL file attached and load it in your printer software and slice the file, based on your printer setting

  • Slicing the STL file should take about 2-3 mins
  • And the print time should be about 20 - 25 mins

Add the Screws to the 3D Printed Part


Using a plier to hold the 3D printed part add the screws as shown in the picture, here you can also use machine screws, but ensure that they are of the specification 32x1/2 in

Based on your specific needs, experiment with the length of screws..

Adding the Velcro Straps

Testing the Traction Spikes for Grip and Durability

Before cutting the piece of velcro take an approximate measurement by coiling the velcro strap around the shoe with the 3D printed part

Cut a piece of velcro , and string through the 3D printed part as shown in the picture above.

And you are good to go !, test the traction spikes as shown in the video above and use them on that cold wintery slippery day..