Wind Spinner
This is a wind spinner that when put in a garden, add a pop of color and visual interest. It also is useful in telling the direction of the wind.
8 gauge wire
2 pound fishing swivel
Ball ornament
Wire cutters
Needle nose pliers

Grab the end of the wire with the pliers

Create a small loop at the end of the wire

Holding the wire with the pliers, wrap the wire around the loop using your finger

Once the wire is the same width as the ornament, cut the wire off.

Push the middle of the wire out using the pliers

Insert the ball ornament into the wider end of the wire so that it is able to spin freely.

Create another loop on the end of the wire where the ball was inserted from to keep the ornament within the wire.

Attach the fishing swivel to the top loop, and hang up the wind spinner.