Wind Loom

by JenniferM489 in Outside > Backyard

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Wind Loom


A loom that takes in environmental wind speeds to create a textile.

Gather Tools and Materials


  • Rotary cutter
  • Scissors
  • Wire cutters
  • Drill with drill bits
  • Laser cutter
  • Hot glue gun
  • Supper glue
  • Masking tape
  • Acetone or nail polish remover



  1. Ripstop nylon (2 yards)
  2. Toothpicks
  3. Double Sided Interfacing ( 1 yard )
  4. Wooden Skewers
  5. bolts and screws(Get Measurement)
  6. Aluminum rod (diameter should the same diameter as the skewers)

Loom accessories:

  1. Loom
  2. Acrylic sheet (24" x 36" x 1/8")
  3. 1/2 inch screws (8 screws needed)
  4. Nylon Washers/Adapters
  5. Magnets
  6. Wood dowel (diameter measuring 1 inch at most and should be 2 ft long)
  7. Metal sheet (12" x 12")
  8. Yarn

Prepare Loom

  1. Assemble the loom according to the manufacturer's directions
  2. Measure and mark 2 1/4" from to top on the back of each of the loom legs
  3. Measure and mark 1 1/2" inches from the previous mark on each leg
  4. Cut to two 1" x 5" strips from the sheet metal
  5. 3D print connector.stl files.
  6. Drill through the center of the connectors into the loom.

Cut the Nylon for the Umbrella


Cut Nylon with laser cutter:

  1. Download the file to laser cut
  2. Tape down the edges of the Nylon to the bed of the laser cutter
  3. Cut the circles

Cut Nylon by hand:

  1. Create a circle stencil with a diameter of 9 cm. (As seen in the photo with the clear acrylic)
    • This can be cut from cardboard or foam core.
  2. Use the stencil create a total of 42 circles.

  3. Cut all the circles out with scissors or the rotary.

  4. Separate out 21 circles to act as the foundation of the umbrellas. Fold each of the 21 circles into eighths and use a pen to mark the folds. These marks will act as guides later for the placement of toothpicks.


Cut Interfacing for Umbrella


Cut Interfacing with Laser Cutter:

  1. Download to laser cut.
  2. Tape down the edges of the interfacing to the bed of the laser cutter
  3. Cut the circles

Cut Interfacing by hand:

  1. Use the same 9 cm diameter circle stencil to trace onto the paper side of the double sided interfacing
  2. Trace a total of 21 circles.
  3. Cut all the circles out with scissors or the rotary.

Keep in mind each umbrella will consist of 1 blank nylon circle, 1 double sided interfacing circle, and 1 marked circle.


Assemble Umbrellas

  1. Collect 8 toothpicks, cut one of the sharp ends off, and lay them out onto the umbrella circle with the marks.
    • If you are having trouble with the toothpicks moving around add a dab of hot glue to the center of the umbrella
  2. On the circle with no markings place the double sided interfacing rough side down. Place a piece of scrap fabric on top of the double interfacing. With the iron on the lowest setting iron over the double interfacing.
  3. Take the paper off of the double sided interfacing and place the interfaced circle over the circle with the toothpicks. Place the scrap fabric over all the circles and iron the two circles together.
  4. Cut two triangular wedges of double sided interfacing about the size of the space between 2 toothpicks
  5. Lay the first wedge onto the circle between two toothpicks and iron on.
  6. Fold over the umbrella by an eight section and iron on the 2nd triangle onto the other side of the toothpick.
    • Watch video to see detailed explanation on how to assemble umbrella

Construct Umbrella

  1. Insert the small 1/4" OD cylindrical nylon adapter into the center of the 1/4" ID nylon washer and push until the small piece is flush with one side of the washer.
    • These 2 pieces can be super glued together, but do not have to be.
  2. The side that is flush with the small piece of nylon will be facing towards the umbrella.Hot glue the connected nylon pieces to the center of the umbrella to make it stiffer, and more durable

Cut Aluminum Rods

Pipe Lengths.jpg
  1. Cut the aluminum rods to length based on the diameter of your umbrella.
    • Five 13.5 cm pipes
    • Four 19 cm pipes
    • Four 30 cm pipes
    • Four 23 cm pipes

Cut the Acrylic Faces

  1. Laser cut all the head faces from the file
  2. Remove circular disk from the center of the acrylic faces and discard


Cut the Acrylic String Connections (the Pigtails)

  1. Laser cut string connections from file


Cut the Acrylic the Spacer

  1. Cut top and bottom spacer from the file.

*adjust raster settings to engrave the magnetic holes to an appropriate depth for magnets to fit flush against the acrylic.


Insert the Magnets

  1. Using the rastered hole markers insert your magnets into the upper adapters.
  2. Depending on the size of magnet you have chosen to use for your loom, measure out the spacing of the magnets on your adapters.
  3. Drill holes in the loom large enough for the opposite magnet to lay flush at the top of the loom.
  4. Super glue magnets into the holes and let dry for 24 hours

Important: Before super gluing make sure your magnets are inserted with the correct side up so that the magnet attracts instead of repels the magnet you wish to attach it to.

Connecting Bottom Adapter

  1. Lay the bottom adaptor against the wooden dowl
  2. Secure with screws into Windloom

