Will Playing Video Games Improving Focusing Skills?

by basim.alshaalan in Workshop > Science

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Will Playing Video Games Improving Focusing Skills?

Science fair

My project is a project that will determine whether video games will improve my focusing skills or not, in which I'm going to do an experiment where i'm going to do a focusing test, then play a FPS game, then do that focusing test again, then i'm going to determine whether video games does improve focusing skills or not.



My question is "Can video games improve my focusing rate?"



I hypothesize that my focusing rate will be better after playing video games since I always use my mental skills while playing video games, which is like warming up my mind for any IQ test or any focusing test.



Independent: skills in video games

Dependent: results of the focusing test

control: time of playing video games

Background Research


Scientists have found out that video games improve thinking skills, and that students that play video games for one hour think better and faster, and based on that i'm going to test if video games improve focusing skills.


-Focusing test (or any method to test focusing rate)

-FPS game



-Graph (to write my stats)



1- Test your focusing rate

2- Write down the results

3- play a couple matches

4- Record each score you get after completing a match

5- do the focusing test again and write down the score

6- repeat this for 3 or 2 days


Before I play video games (day 1), I used the method of testing my focusing rate, and I got a result of 32, and then I played video games, and I used the testing method, and I got a score of 163. in day 2, I did the same thing, I got a score of 50 before playing video games, and after I played video games, I got a score of 176.

Data Analysis

On the table, we can see that the score i got before playing video games is always lower than the score i get after playing video, and that's based on my skill in playing video games which is average-good. Also, the average score i got from the testing method at day 2 is higher than the average score i got on day 1, which means that actually focusing skills will progress overtime, if i continued playing a day after day.


Screen Shot 2021-03-27 at 3.13.48 PM.png



Finally, we can conclude that playing video games will increase focusing rate and it will improve focusing and making decisions skills, due the high concentration level when playing competitive video games, which will make players focus hardly while playing video games, which makes competitive video games act as a platform to generate focusing skills within players.


My project is important for humans for many reasons. First, people who face some problems regarding focusing skills or decision making skills, will be able to play competitive video games in order to improve their focusing skills. Secondly, my experiment will change parents point of view towards video games, since parents think that video games are a waste of time and all what they lead to is violence. I learned from this project that video games can not only entertain me, but it can make me smarter and more focused.



During working on my project, i mainly used thinking skills, where i was always thinking before making a decisions during my time playing video games, also, my project is all about improving my surviving skills by playing video games.