WiFi Avoiding Obstacles RC Car

by Barteky in Circuits > Arduino

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WiFi Avoiding Obstacles RC Car

WiFi avoiding obstacles RC Car

My car was 3D printed, if you like my design (i doubt :P) you can download it from here or thingiverse.

This car can drive by itself avoiding obstacles or be controlled by your smartphone with android. I made special app for it. You can dowload it here or from google play.

Required Parts


1 x Nodemcu

1 x TB6612FNG

4 x DC Motor with TT motor gear (2 motors will work just fine but car will be slower and you need to design and print 2 wheels :P )

4 x Rubber wheel

8 x AA Bateries (Best option is 1.2V Rechargeable bateries)

1 x 8 AA Bateries holder

1 x 3.3V Linear Voltage Regulator (eg. LD 33V 1 X 5.0V Linear Voltage Regulator (eg. L7805CV) If you use another 3.3V and 5V Voltage Regulator but be sure to connect it right! )

1 x Ultrasonic module HC-SR04 (if you want your car work in automatic mode)

2 x Red LED and 2x white LED with female

2 x 2x1 2.54 socket (just solder 2 jumper wires to your diode like on picture)

4 x 90 ohm resistors

2 x 8x1 2.54 female goldpin socket (Not nesseseary but recomended. This is for tb6612)

2 x 15x1 2.54 female goldpin socket (for nodemcu)

1 x 8x1 2.54 male (or fermale) goldpin (for LED)

1 x 4x1 2.54mm male (or female) goldpin (for ultrasonic module)

1 x Switch

8 x 3x25mm screw 8x 3mm nuts Some jumper wires

If you wanna make PCB you will need:

1 x 77.5 x 71 Laminate Circuit Board

some B327 and alcohol

Making PCB


If you really want to, you can skip this step but you will have to figure out how to connect it all by yourself without PCB(i upload schematic for you you can download here)
To make a PCB:

1. You need to download board from here (You can open it in Eagle) and print it on paper (remember to select "mirror") or just print this photo (but be sure a printed piccure have exact dimensions as in picture)
2. Drill holes in laminate thrue printed piccure (i recomend tape glue it to laminate)
3. Clean your laminate with alcohol
4. Paint routes with permanent marker (not every marker will work)
5. Put your laminate in jar with B327 with water
6. Wait until there will be only routes and take it out.
7. Clean it with alcohol 8. Now you need to solder and connect all parts to your PCB as it in picture.

If you need more information watch this

Nodemcu Sketch

1. Connect your nodemcu to computer and upload my sketch. (Download it from here)
2. Unplug and connect it to your PCB
3. Download my APP from google play or download .apk from here. You can see source code on my GITHUB
4. Check if everything is working.


3D Printing and Final Asembling


Now just download my .stl-s from thingiverse (or from here) and print it on your 3d printer. I upload alternative design of bottom. Alternative bottom don't have battery holder and place for switch. After printing you can finish asembling your car. Solder 2 cables from batery holder to switch as it in picture. Put 2 white LED and ultrasonic module on front, 2 red led and switch on back. Screw motors to 3d printed bottom. Instal batteries and PCB and you are free to go! :)

I hope you enjoy my tutorial.
