Why Not "7"

by kotchapong in Workshop > Woodworking

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Why Not "7"


“Why not S E V E N” Coffee table

Coffee table dimension: Length 76 X Width 43 X Height 41

The design concept is not to use straight leg as normal to design coffee table. Try to find the different ways to design the leg, I think of number seven (7) to use as the legs of this coffee table. That why I name it “why not SEVEN” It’s very easy to make.

Supplies That You Need to Do “Why Not SEVEN” Project


Supplies that you need to do “Why not SEVEN” project

1. Glass top dimension: Length 70 centimeters X Width 40 centimeters X Thickness 10 millimeters. (glass top need to bevel edges on all sides)

2. Any hard wood.

3. Clear silicone.

4. White spray paint.

5. Coconut oil. (cold pressed)

The Glass

1. First you need to buy the glass top that have 10 millimeter thickness. If it less will not strong enough to attach the legs and too fragile, it will crack. If the too thick, it will cost more and too heavy.

Cut the Wood


2. Then you need to cut the wood (Any wood) to size. The wood have same thickness is about 3 centimeters. So prepare the woods that have the same thickness. The width of the woods have 2 sizes due to the wood that attach to the glass (A) and the wood for the legs (B). The width of wood (A) is 3.5 centimeters and wood (B) is 5 centimeters.

Note: You need to draw working drawing side elevation scale 1:1 before you start.

Cut Wood (A) and Wood (B)


3. Cut the wood (A) in to 4 pieces sizes
length 23 centimeters X width 3 centimeters and you need adjust angles of the wood (B) the leg on the saw and cut 4 pieces size length 40 centimeters X width 5 centimeters.

Note: If you want to make it smaller, longer, and height the dimensions need to change.

Grooving and Mortise, Tendon


4. After cut all the woods. Next the wood that attach to the glass (A)
need to be grooving depth 15 millimeters and 18 centimeters long (make sure that the drill bit is the same thickness and try to fit to the glass top before you start cutting) and you need to stop at the end of the cut. At the end of grooving is half circle, you will need the chisel to make it straight. This piece will need to make the mortise and tendon joint in order to attach to the leg. So you need to make a square hole (mortise) in this piece wood (A).

Note: Make sure that all 4 pieces need to be the same, so it will fit easy to the leg.

Try Fitting the Joint


5. Now you need to do the Tendon joint on all
legs, set the table saw at the same angle before start cutting. Next is to sand and try fitting it, don’t make it to loss.

Glue and Let It Dry


6. Time to use wood glue and clamp lock all the
mortise and tendon joints all 4 pieces. Let to dry for a day or so.

Spray White Color


7. Need to spray white paint on 2 legs and let’s
it dry. So the clear silicone will stick on the surface well.

Put It Together


8. Then clean the grooving, use masking tape
around the edge of grooving all pieces, and get ready to attach to the glass top by using clear silicone. This process the coffee table needs to be upside down. The glass top lay flat, put the clear silicone in the grooving, then slide the leg piece in to the glass top (Slide on the side in first, so that the clear silicone will not spill out from the grooving). Do 2 legs at the time and make sure that the leg piece is right angle to the glass top. You also need to make the leg braces at the end of the leg, so it also stays at right angle as well. Do all 4 legs and let it dry for 1-2 days. Clean the left over clear silicone off.

Note: Use masking tape so that when the clear silicone dried, it will not stick to the wood pieces.

Apply Coconut Oil


9. The last step is to apply finishing on to the
wood pieces by using coconut oil (Cold pressed) apply coconut oil the first coat, let it dry, and apply another and when it dry use the dry cloth to shine the wood pieces.

Special Thanks to; Mr. Sakorn