Whiteboard That Costs Pennies.

by Nostalgic Guy in Workshop > Organizing

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Whiteboard That Costs Pennies.

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This is my first go at an instructable so if I make any glaring errors (or even fail to include a step) please be gentle with me.
I have been without anywhere to do do my projects for some time as until recently we were running a pub & following the move to my fiancees house it has taken me four months to find some space to work, I figured I would share a few stages of the development of my new work space with all the clever people who have given me so many good ideas & propted me to get started.
Being somewhat limited for space I am going to have to be imaginative about storage etc so many of my first jobs will be making things for the work space itself.
I like to have a drawing for most projects even if I don't need one, partly because it helps to avoid mistakes but mostly because I get sick of explaining to every one of my better halves friends what it is I am making "This time" from now on they can look at the pictures & try to figure it out for themselves :-)

You will need the following materials & equipment.

Paper, if you are using the grids I did then two sheets of A4 or whatever your preference is for size.
A printer for the grids.
A laminator suitable for your choice of paper.
Laminate pouches.
Double sided tape.

The Backgrounds

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I downloaded an isometric grid from
and a 1cm graph paper from
I find when I am making things for other people it helps to have a 3D image for them to visualise what they want & the isometric grid helps to get a better drawing.

Trimming for the Laminates.

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As I was using A4 paper & it will be in an environment where the edges may see more than a little punishment I chose to trim the paper a little so I would get a good seal all around in the laminator, the laminate pouches came from Poundland (that would be "Dollar World" for most of the rest of the planet) they are not the most optically perfect in the world but they are cheap & they do the job perfectly well.


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Ok this step really speaks for itself but it is after all a step so it should be here, I usually run these pouches through twice as I have found that they occasionally fail to stick at the edge on a single pass.

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Flip the things over & stick some double sided tape on each corner these also came from Poundland.

Put Them in Place.

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Finally stick them where ever you think they will suit you best.
Before anyone asks why I need these when they are stuck on a white plastic fronted cabinet I would like to point out that the coating on these old kitchen cabinets will not wipe clean when written on, a friend of mine found this out to his cost when he cleverly used one to illustrate his idea for some shelves to his wife & ended up not only making the shelves but a whole new set of cabinet doors as well.
I know they are not very big & I fully intend to sort out a better solution at a later date but they do what I need them to & they are a far better option than all the scrap paper I would doubtless create without them.
I would estimate that they cost a couple of pence each to make so if they get destroyed accidentaly it isn't the end of the world & they are pretty much impervious to most of the glues etc that I use so they should last quite a while.