Wheatley Clock- Portal 2

by NicoShanks in Circuits > Clocks

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Wheatley Clock- Portal 2

plug in and enjoy.jpg
front: side view done.jpg
comparison to photo.jpg
back view done.jpg

Hello Wonderful people.

I am new to this website. I plan on posting things I have previously made :D

This project is one I've made for a friend for christmas, its a wheatley clock, inspired from portal 2.
all rights to portal 2 and its creator valve

Just to let you know its more of a casing for the clock. i did not make the clock itself, just bought a clock that plays from an iPod or a mp3 player.

Bear in mind It has been a while since I have made this, say a couple years ago, so if things are unclear message me :D

Over All Materials and Step 1: the Body

paper mache paste.jpg
new paper strips.jpg
paper mache ball.jpg
painted white papermache ball.jpg
circles to cut out for side pieces.jpg
cut out circles.jpg
draw and cut out front circle .jpg
deteach circle.jpg
paint inside .jpg
paint door.jpg

A list of over all materials
- Flour

- Water

- Glue

- Scissors

- Newspaper

- Spherical balloon

- White acrylic paint

- Metallic grey acrylic paint

- Orange acrylic paint

- Paint brushes

- A clock that can play an iPod or mp3 cable

- 2 Small hinges

- 2 Metal U-shaped/ half-square bars (I don't know what exactly their called)

- Small foam piece - black

- File or dremmel or foam carving tool

- Small plastic piece

- 2 Small styrofoam circles

- 1 Bigger styrofoam circle

- Drill

- Exacto-knife

most of which are found in pictures 1-4. please note I built this 2 years ago so if things are a little fuzzy or incomprehensible feel free to email me


A list of materials for step 1:
- Flour

- Water

- Glue

- Scissors

- Newspaper

- Spherical balloon

- White acrylic paint


The body is essentially a paper mache ball that is painted. In order to make this you probably want to grab your spherical balloon and blow it up to a desired volume. Should be enough to fit the clock inside and so that a small circular syrofoam piece can fit on either side.

Make several layers of paper mache as evenly as you can, you don't want a lumpy sphere. Each layer might take drying over night to be fully dry. I did 5 layers so it would be thick enough and still easy to cut. (fig 5)

Pop the balloon, remove

Paint the outside with white paint (could probably use spray paint) (fig 6)

Draw a circle on either side of the sphere for ear pieces to be inserted later (fig 7)

Cut out the circles, by first drilling a hole in the middle if needed (fig 8)

Draw a circle on the front for the door / cut it out (fig 9-10)

Paint inside white as well as the door (fig 11-12)

for now that is all we will do with the body, continue on to the next step for the ear/side pieces

Step 2: Eat/side Pieces

styrofoam planing.jpg
large file for cutting down edges.jpg
sytrofoam top hat.jpg
small file fixing up edges.jpg
drawing the inside and shaping with file.jpg
gluing to fill in pores - messy could have done better.jpg
painting the side pieces.jpg
painted side piece top view.jpg
insert and glue in side pieces.jpg

Materials for this step:

- 2 Small styrofoam circles

- Marker- black

- Big file, small file ( or styrofoam cutter/ dremmel)

- Glue (possibly optional) more likely use some dry wall putty or something.

- Metallic grey acrylic paint

- Black acrylic paint

- Light blue acrylic paint

- Paintbrushes

[ Note: you cannot use spray paint for this step because it will eat/ melt your styrofoam]

- Latex gloves or the like ( optional: if you don't want to get paint and such all over you)


Take the small styrofoam circles and on the sides of them draw a line about 1-2 cm away from one of the edges, and draw a circle on the opposite edge/ face (about 1-2 cm away from face edge) (fig 1)

Take the large file ( or dremmel or carving tool) to file down the outer edge (except for below the line drawn) (fig 2). it should look like a miniature top hat ( fig 3), use a smaller file to make edges more smooth (fig 4)

On the face with a circle draw in the different layers you want for the ear pieces looking at a reference should have 3 layers and a line ( fig 5) the deepest layer is the first inside circle, layers that are higher are layers closer to the middle of the styrofoam circle (still figure 5)

I used glue to fill holes of styrofoam (in order to paint) i only had glue at my disposal but you could use dry wall putty or something akin to that (fig 6)

paint away - outer /deepest layer metallic grey, layer 2 grey, layer 3 black, flat layer light blue (fig 7-8)

Grab the body and insert / glue the ear pieces into pre made holes ( fig 9)

Step 3: Face/ Door

cut out circle so circle foam will fit in it .jpg
put hinge on main body .jpg
measure plastic piece, to match face of clock.jpg
draw out line of face.jpg
cut 3 layers in big circl (drawn on).jpg
paint the eye piece.jpg
cut out face  paint on thin orange stripes.jpg
compared to clock.jpg
put together eyepiece.jpg
put together door.jpg

Materials for this step:

- Small hinge and corresponding number of small screws (4)

- Exacto knife

- Large styrofoam circle

- Piece of plastic

- orange paint

- large/ small file or dremmel/ carving tool


Take the large sytrofoam circle and draw a circle 1-2 cm from the edge. cut out the circle, but saving both the outer circle and inner circle cut out. paint outer circle desired colour ( base for clock to sit on ) (fig 1)

Cut a hole in the door that will fit the inner circle cut from the large styrofoam circle (fig 2)

Attach the hinge to the body of the clock casing (fig 3) you may want to glue the screws in place for optional/additional support

Take a piece of plastic and draw a circle for the window of your clock (fig 4)

Draw two lines on inner circle,that match the top and bottom window edges, draw the window circle and then draw a small 1-1.5 cm thick circle outside of that (fig 5)

Take the files and shape 2 layers of depth where the lines and circles were drawn ( deepest is the closest to the middle and cut out the window circle(fig 6)

Paint the top sections white and the rest a metallic grey (fig 7)

Paint thin orange lines in a circle that frame the clock screen (fig 8-9)

Glue plastic window onto the styrofoam face (fig 10)

[Note there will likely be a gap between the grey styrofoam and the door, if this gap bothers you fill it with some dry wall putty or what ever . i personally left it because i didn't think i'd notice the gap after it was done]

Glue face to the door (fig 11)

That is all for this step, keep everything for the final step

Step 4: Adding the Clock and Final Touches

measure and draw holes for metal pieces.jpg
screw in metal bars at top and bottom.jpg
like so .jpg
foam sheets.jpg
paint foam metalic if desirec.jpg
propping up the alarm clock .jpg
prop the clcok.jpg
cut hole in back and hindge for wires.jpg
front view done.jpg
paint the front .jpg
comparison to photo.jpg

Materials for this step:

- Pencil

- Drill

- 2 Metal square hooks

- Small piece of foam (black)

- Scissors

- 2 styrofoam balls or small box/ wooden block to prop up the clock

- Small hinge

- Metallic grey acrylic paint

- Hot glue gun/ glue


Glue the base (in this case the blue circle) to the bottom of the casting, so it sits properly on a desk

Mark where you want the square metal pieces and drill holes to fit them( fig 1)

Put the metal things in on the top and bottom of your clock casing, put the washer/ nut that comes with inside, and hot glue in place (fig 2-3)

Take your black foam piece and cut it into smaller pieces that can wrap around the square metal things. glue them on, paint with metallic grey (if desired) (fig 4)

See if your clock needs to be propped up, if yes get styrofoam balls and cut them in half and glue them in place, or a small block of wood. etc. (fig 5)

Cut a hole in the bottom of the backside of casing for wires, paint the outside however desired, looking at reference photos if needed (fig 6)

Place clock inside casing (fig 7)

Attach the door to the hinge, paint the outside to match reference photos (fig 8)

Plug in iPod/ mp3 player, and the clock, set the time/ alarms and enjoy your wheatley alarm clock ( fig 9-10))