What Is the Best Ice Cream Flavour to Eat During the Summer?

by FaisalDAS in Workshop > Science

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What Is the Best Ice Cream Flavour to Eat During the Summer?


Hello everyone, welcome to another experiment done by my experience. I decided to do something related to temperature, and I thought about the summer. So my idea was: If people enjoy eating ice cream during the summer, why not test what flavour takes the longest time to melt, and here I am now with: “What is the best ice cream flavour to eat during the summer?” I decided to use five store-bought ice cream flavours of my choice because ice cream is usually bought from stores, and it isn’t homemade. Now, here’s the following steps of my experience!

The Required Temperature, Time, and Materials

The experiment takes a simple amount of twenty-six minutes and the temperature was 31 degrees C (87.8 degrees F) in my location.

The only materials you’ll need for this experiment are 5 cups of store bought ice cream of your choice and a timer!

Here are some timestamps below:

  • 2 minutes
  • 5 minutes
  • 7 minutes
  • 10 minutes
  • 12 minutes

All of that adds up to 26 minutes of your time, making you have a faster experience.

Two Minutes


Note that there aren’t any intervals in this experiment.

During this step the ice cream scoops barely melted by the time, but I needed to wait longer for the action to begin.

5 Minutes


From here, it began to melt. I realized the mint flavour had a slow start, I then got ahead of myself and thought it was going to be the best flavour for the summer.

7-10 Minutes


Remember when I said that it’d take longer for the mint flavour to melt, I was wrong, but then I realized cotton candy was agile when it came to the melting point! So, from here on out... cotton candy is by far the worst flavour to eat during the summer due to its melting speed.

12 Minutes


Now for my final results: cotton candy has already melted by that point, and the other four did not finish melting and I observed. Then I knew vanilla was the slowest when it came to melting. I just found out that the vanilla flavour was the best flavour to eat during the summer the entire time! Everyone may have their own opinions, but also different results from the ice cream you picked, but by far Vanilla is the best because it melts the slowest out of all of them. Chocolate and strawberry were behind by a bit of centimetres, but mint melted faster than before. I was shocked about the slow start, which then became faster all of the sudden!


There you have it. My experiment took some time, but as I know, the best flavour to eat during the summer is Vanilla ice cream! You can try this if you want, but you can also choose the same flavours and try this with other flavours. Thank you for taking your time into reading and learning from this.