Weekly 2: Make a Loom

by mileslewis5280 in Craft > Sewing

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Weekly 2: Make a Loom


This week we are tasked with making our own loom from a paperback book and other easy-to-get supplies from around the house. I intend to first start with the tutorial linked below and then use come up with new methods and techniques as I learn more about the basics of a loom.


  • Hard cover book
  • popsicle stick (2)
  • at least 2 types of yarn
  • pencil or thin stick

Getting Set Up With a Book Loom

Book Weaving Tutorial with String Harnesses (part 1)

I started setting up my loom with the tutorial in the video. At this point, I was confused about the parts and didn't understand the part of the loom so I made my string harness too small. Other than that it was pretty simple to set up and get a weave going


At this point, the weaving was going well so I wanted to come up with a device to help with the weaving process. I have access to a laser cutter at work so I came up with this device to act as a beater and as a headle. It works by lifting the bar onto the hook as seen in the picture, which opens up the shed. When you unhook the bar it lowers the threads and reveals the shed once again.


I temporarily lost my yellow yarn so I used what I had lying around which happened to be breadboard wire.


I really enjoyed the process of making a loom. Even though it was a simple weave pattern I had a blast coming up with new concepts to make the process more efficient. I am excited to try out an actual loom and see how it compares to our simple book looms.