Week 1: Laser Cut Ornamental Pattern (MAT238)

by maxmereminsky in Workshop > Laser Cutting

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Week 1: Laser Cut Ornamental Pattern (MAT238)

Oall Grasshopper.png

In this project, I designed a randomized circular pattern in Grasshopper, performed post-processing in Adobe Illustrator, and laser-cut the final design in cardboard.


  • Rhino (Grasshopper)
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Laser Cutter
  • Cardboard

Stock Dimension Setup

Stock Setup.png

I first created nodes to control the dimensions of the stock. These dimensions are used later to scale the design to fit on any sized stock. This section seems more complicated than it really is due to the use of math operations.

Randomized NURBS Generation

Random Nurbs.png

To generate the base curve for my circular pattern, I used the Populate 2D node to generate a list of random points in a specified rectangle with the first and last points being on opposing corners of the rectangle. This list of points is input into the NURBS node to create the random curve.

Circular Pattern


To repeat the curve in a circular pattern, I wrote a Python node that inputs the number of curves and stock size and outputs the pattern. I also experimented with having multiple concentric circular patterns, but I found that it overcomplicated the design, so I just stuck with one. The offset node gives the curves a thickness so it can be laser cut.

Cleanup in Illustrator

Clean Curve.png

I used the Shape Builder tool in Illustrator to clean up the design and remove unwanted intersecting lines. I also added an outer circle to cut out the pattern from the stock.

Laser Cutting


The design was formatted for the laser cutter and the cut was completed in under a minute :)