Webcam Ruler

by lingib in Circuits > Sensors

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Webcam Ruler

webcam ruler

This instructable explains how to measure object dimensions remotely using a camera, a ruler, and simple ratios.

The supplied software is easy to use which makes it an ideal learning tool.

All you require is a webcam, Processing 3 software, and a ruler.

Excluding the webcam, the cost of this project is less than $5.00


  • The length of the red line in the cover photo, as measured by the webcam, is 8.5 inches
  • Photo 2 confirms that the distance is indeed 8.5 inches
  • Photo 3 is a screen shot of a dimension being measured in mm


  • The video shows the webcam ruler in operation

Parts Required

The following parts are required:

  • 1 only 12 inch / 300mm ruler
  • 1 only webcam ... I am using a Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000 but any webcam should work
  • Processing 3 software from


The image sensor within a camera may be regarded as a sheet of paper that is divided into a number of small squares called pixels (picture elements).

Assume that your webcam can see a standard ruler.

To measure an object dimensions in inches:

  • record the pixel location for zero inches on the ruler
  • record the pixel location for 12 inches on the ruler
  • subtract these pixel locations to get the ruler-length in pixels
  • repeat steps 1-3 to get the object-length in pixels
  • the object length in inches is equal to:

object-length (inches) = object-length (pixels) / ruler-length (pixels) * 12 ......... (1)

To measure an object dimensions in millimetres:

  • record the pixel location for zero on the ruler
  • record the pixel location for 300mm on the ruler
  • subtract these pixel locations to get the ruler-length in pixels
  • repeat steps 1-3 to get the object-length in pixels
  • the object length in mm is equal to:

object-length (mm) = object-length (pixels) / ruler-length (pixels) * 300 .............. (2)

Measurement accuracy depends on your camera resolution ... the more pixels the better.

The camera should be positioned directly overhead without any trapezoid distortion.




  • Download and install Processing 3 from
  • Download the attached file “webcam_ruler.pde”
  • Launch Processing 3 ... an empty sketch similar to Arduino will appear.
  • Copy the contents of “webcam_ruler.pde” to the sketch ... use a text editor NOT a word processor
  • Save the sketch as “webcam_ruler” (without the quotes)
  • Left-click the top-left button to run [1]



This sketch requires that the following video library is installed:

  • Left-click "Sketch | Import Library ... | Add library" (photo1)
  • Type video in the search bar (photo 2)
  • Select "Video | GSteamer-based video library for Processing"
  • Now left-click "Install"

A green tick will appear when the process is complete.


Configuring Your Camera

camera selection.JPG

The software will automatically recognise your camera and list various configurations. Each configuration comes with a number inside brackets.

If your camera doesn’t start, choose a configuration and substitute the [73] shown in photo 1 with the chosen camera configuration number .

For best enjoyment replace size(960, 720) in setup() with the image dimensions listed for your chosen camera configuration.



  • RIGHT-click each end of the ruler to calibrate
  • Green circles will appear with each mouse click.
  • Keep clicking until you are satisfied that the circles are in the correct place.


  • LEFT-click one end of the object.
  • A red line will follow your mouse as it moves to the other end
  • LEFT-click this distant end
  • The distance between the two left-clicks will appear on the screen
  • Press “1” for inches or “2” for millimetres
  • Repeat this process to take another measurement ... there is no need to recalibrate


The attached software allows you to measure objects remotely using a webcam.

The software uses simple proportion (ratios) to measure distance. As such it is a fun teaching tool.

Calibration is achieved by right-clicking both ends of a 12 inch / 300mm ruler.

Calibration is only required once prior to measuring.

Left-click both ends of an object to measure its length ... the length will appear on-screen.

You can switch between inches and millimetres using the ‘1’ and ‘2’ keys.

  Click here   to view my other instructables.