Wearable Light-Up Collar

For my project, I have created a collar for my puppy with a Circuit Playground Express attached to it in order to detect the movement of my dog, and determine the number of steps she takes. This collar is also useful because it lights up which is beneficial in the night for her visibility to expand and for her safety, due to the light it can be determined where she is, meaning she wouldn't get lost. I measured the collar and carefully designed it so that it would be comfortable and not harmful to the dog. I chose to make a collar because it is useful for the safety and tracking of the movement of my dog in a creative way that is also comfortable and reliable for her.

I used multiple supplies throughout this project, that are also listed in the plan. Without these, it would not be possible to make the collar. Below are the tools I have utilized:
- Thread (to sew the collar)
- Needle (to place stitches in fabric)
- Cloth (for the creation of the collar)
- Velcro (for the clip of the collar, good material to attach)
- Circuit Playground Express (light up and tracking movement through code)
Make a Draft

To start out the project, I have created a detailed draft of the collar. This included sections such as the draft of the design, materials necessary for the final product, steps of how to create the collar, and necessities of the code for the collar to function and fulfill how it was planned to be utilized. I also noted what I should do as the next steps for the project, including taking measurements of my puppy's neck to know the necessary length of the collar and buying velcro for the clip of the collar. I also provided a model diagram in the center for what the collar would look like on the dog, which was useful for visualization of the initial idea.
Gather Materials

Once I had the necessary measurements for the collar (I measured around my dog's neck to find out the approximate length of the collar, 30 cm), I gathered all the necessary materials to begin sewing the collar. The materials included fabric, thread, a needle, and velcro. After being all set up, I was ready for the creation of the collar!
Begin Sewing

After having all of the materials, I cut out a 30 cm strip of cloth for the creation of the collar. When I had the strip cut out, I bent 1 cm of the cloth on each side of the collar which I then sewed with a running stitch in order for the sides of the collar to look clean and for the ends not to be uncomfortable for my dog. I then cut out 2 pieces of velcro and sewed each piece carefully onto each side of the collar, except one of the velcro pieces went on top and the other on the bottom, so that they could stick together as a way to secure the collar on the dog. I also touched up the attachment of the velcro onto the collar with hot glue to make sure it wasn't going to fall off as it was the "lock" on the collar.
Extra Layer of Cloth, Complete Collar

After finishing the base of the collar, I went over it with another layer of cloth for the collar to be more stable so it wouldn't rip. I covered the first layer with a second layer of cloth and folded the sides onto the first layer. I then went over using the running stitch to attach the second layer for stability. Additionally, this made the collar more aesthetically pleasing to an extent.
Create the Code

Once I was finished with sewing and putting together the collar, I had to create a code for the Circuit Playground Express to function. I downloaded a software to be able to do that, Mu Editor. I then went onto the installed software to create a code that would light up the Circuit Playground Express and have it detect the movement of my puppy, counting her steps and lighting up twice in red with every detected movement as she walks, using Python code. I then connected the Circuit Playground Express to my computer in order to install the code into it, using an adaptor, as you may see in the third visual.
Attach Circuit Playground Express to Collar, Finishing Touches

Once both the collar and code were completed, all that was left was to attach the Circuit Playground Express along with the battery holder onto the collar. I did that by sewing the Circuit Playground Express onto the center of the collar using a running stitch through the holes. I attached the battery holder through the clip on the back, clipping it to the side of the collar. This wasn't going to be a problem because it clipped on easily and was not too heavy for my dog to carry. I placed the collar on her and tested it to see if it worked, and it did! Below you may see the videos of the functioning collar as a result. This product is a good way to ensure safety for my dog at night as it lights up, as well as track her movements to make sure she is healthy! I hope this tutorial was helpful!