Wearable Device
An Integrated Smart Wearable Device that can solve the challenge of space
station – Rock-IT Fashion ; which helps astronauts to Communicate with
their team in the space station using HD Real-Time live Streaming over
internet (Wi-Fi ) , Text-Chat , warning messages using (ZigBee 802.15.4)
protocol (wide range ) , Monitoring Health Status using Real-Time Monitor
for Heart Pulses , Temperature and pressure Sensors which send its data to
(C# Software on the space-station using ZigBee communication protocol
furthermore show this rates to the astronauts on the LCD using python GUI
( Graphical user Interface) on the raspberry pi 2 Micro-Computer ;
for Entertainment using our device astronauts can connect with the
internet and social Networks like what Nasa’s Astronaut “Scott Kelly “ did
during his “year in space” journey , Astronauts can play Games , Videos .
- All Astronauts Data that our system collect saved as a log file on the
device and on the space station software with date and time, this Big data
can be analyzed with the software tools commonly used as part of
advanced analytics disciplines such as predictive analytics, data mining . as
a part of our future plan to improve our device , it will be an autonomous
Device which use the analyzed data to make an action such as sending a
specific music to the astronaut which suitable with his mood , health status
Hint : using electronics in space is not reliable due to the radiation , but any
electronics material in space have to pass 7-Layers of testing to be reliable
in space , such as the electronics devices that GOMSPACE company offering
for Cube-Sats.
Our system is divided into 5 Main Sub-systems:
1- Hardware System: Sensors, Hardware components.
2- Software System: Space Station Software for communication and data
accusation – Wearable device software for the astronauts.
3- Communication System.
4- Power System.
5- Wearable Fashion Design .
Our System
a. Hardware System
1- Raspberry Pi2 Micro-Computer which has A 900MHz quad-core
ARM Cortex-A7 CPU , 1GB RAM , VideoCore IV 3D graphics core .
2- HDMI Touch Screen 5” for the raspberry pi Micro-Computer .
3- Arduino Nano – Micro-Controller that interact with the sensors and
send data to the space station and wearable device software GUI .
4- Heart Rate Sensor
Studies have shown that spaceflights impacts the astronauts heart rates
negatively especially on long term so heart rate is monitored using heart
rate sensor (ECG) where the heart pulses is presented using the
cardiogram in real-time.
i. Understanding the ECG
In general terms, let’s look at what an ECG is representing and
how we’re able to sense it. The ECG is separated into two basic
Intervals, the PR Interval and the QT Interval, described below.
ii. PR Interval
The PR interval is the initial wave generated by an electrical
impulse traveling from the right atrium to the left. The right
atrium is the first chamber to see an electrical impulse. This
electrical impulse causes the chambers to “depolarize”. This
forces it to contract and drain deoxygenated blood from both
the Superior and Inferior vena cava into the right ventricle. As
the electrical impulse travels across the top of the heart it then
triggers the left atrium to contract. The left atrium is
responsible for receiving newly oxygenated blood from the
lungs into the left ventricle via the left and right pulmonary
veins. The pulmonary veins are red in the diagram because
they are carrying oxygenated blood. They are still called veins
because veins carry blood towards the heart. Science!
iii. QT Interval
The QT Interval is where things get really interesting. The QRS
is a complex process that generates the signature “beep” in
cardiac monitors. During QRS both ventricles begin to pump.
The right ventricle begins to pump deoxygenated blood into
the lungs through the left and right pulmonary arteries. The
pulmonary arteries are blue in the diagram because they are
carrying deoxygenated blood. They are still called arteries
because arteries carry blood away the heart. Science, Again!
The left ventricle is also beginning to pump freshly oxygenated
blood through the aorta and into the rest of the body. After
the initial contraction comes the ST segment. The ST segment
is fairly quiet electrically as it is the time where the ventricles
waiting to be “re-polarized”. Finally the T wave becomes
present to actively “re-polarize”, or relax the ventricles. This
relaxation phase resets the ventricles to be filled again by the
5- Temperature sensor
Astronauts are exposed to a wide variety of temperature during their
missions which can range from -250F to 250F so a temperature sensor is
used to monitor the temperature and gives a warning message when
6- Pressure sensor , one of important concerns of the factors which impacts
the health of the astronaut is that the increased pressure in the eye may
cause what is called “Ocular hypertension” which causes problems in the
vision and may lead to blindness so a pressure sensor is used to keep track
of the pressure and gives a warning message if the pressure exceeds a
certain limit.
7- IMU (Inertial measurement unit) – 9DOF – Accelerometer,
gyroscope, Magnetometer.
in our plan of future work we added IMU in order to develop a games
like Smart phones apps which depends on gyroscope , Accelerometer
sensors .
8- HD-Web-Camera 720p (Microsoft 3000 HD)
Which has the ability to stream a real-time video with delay 40 ms with 30
frame per second through Wi-Fi dongle that connected to raspberry pi
micro-computer and works as a webcam server over localhost (raspberry pi
ip port 8080 ) .
B.Software System
1- Space Station Software.
The main aim of our GUI is to provide the space station with a live feed
of the current astronaut status in order to ensure a total supervision
over the astronaut and monitor his current
Health condition in addition to providing an easy and simple means of
communication with the astronaut.
GUI Features:
o Health monitoring:
Monitoring the heart statues via a live cardiogram.
Live feed for the current temperature.
Live feed for the current pressure.
o GUI provides warning messages if the temperature or the pressure
exceeds certain limits.
o Ease of communication support:
o Providing a high quality live streaming for the camera fixed on the
astronaut suit.
o Chat facility between the space station and the astronaut via the GUI
on the astronaut wearable.
o All the received data, received and sent chat messages are logged
and displayed in a user friendly way accompanied by the
corresponding date and time.
o Saving all data as txt log files.
2- Wearable Device Software
A GUI programmed by Python that allow Astronauts to show their
health status, sensors reads with options of Chat, on-screen keyboard,
keystroke software that save all astronauts keyboard inputs on the
screen, option to start live streaming.
- Saving all data as excel log files .
- This application also contains bash script to run the required packages
in boot.
3- Arduino Code
Interfacing code with the sensors and ZigBee module to send a the data
in a way of serial communication with Raspberry pi “wearable software
through usb cable “ and Space station software by ZigBee Ad-hock
network .
c. Communication System
Usb Serial Communication between Arduino and Raspberry pi.
ZigBee Ad-hock Network Serial Communication with Arduino and
Wi-Fi Connection between Raspberry pi and Router ( over Network )
d. Power System
We are powering our system using 5000 mah battery with output current
up-to 2A which is very enough for our system to run more than 2-hours .
space station software.
|| internet .
e. Wearable Fashion Design
Using two armbands with us to contain our project in a nice-look way .
III. Future work
a. Size and Design , Decrease size , use embedded devices not educational
b. Big Data Analytics and statistics.
c. Autonomous System – Machine learning .
d. Astronauts profiles.
e. Motion Detection Flex sensors, as a new way of control our system
f. improve GUI .
g. IMU Sensor Based Games .
IV. Files
To get our soft copy of our documentation and files , codes from the link
below :