"Wax" Seals

This is a very simple and inexpensive way to make wax seals.

You will need 3 hot glue sticks, a crayon, (choose the color you want,) and necklace charms.

Cut up the hot glue sticks and the crayon, (take the paper off of it first,) then put them in a microwave safe bowl. Melt it 30 seconds at a time, watching it constantly. You could also do this in a small pot on the stove. When it is fully melted and combined, begin pouring it onto parchment paper.
Work Quickly!

Working quickly, pour a bit of the glue off of a spoon, then move the spoon around to get the size you want. There will be strings, but you can break them off later.
Making the Design

Press a charm into the center of the glue immediately, and leave it there until it is dry. Continue until all the glue is gone.

Once they are dry, remove the charms, and keep them for when your ready to use them! Use super glue to attach them to the back of an envelope. Hope this works out for you!