Waterproof Velcro Pouch

I was looking for a pouch I could use for toiletries, one that was waterproof and could keep my toothbrush safe. I decided to just take a pouch I already had and add some wax to it, making it waterproof. This project is quick and easy and can be done on pretty much any pouch you already have. The wax does leave white creases when bent though, so it may not be the best method if you still want your pouch to look very neat.

- Pouch
- Paraffin wax candle(beeswax will also work)
- Cardboard
- Scissors
- Hairdryer
Apply Wax to Pouch

Turn the pouch inside out and put a piece of cardboard in the pouch for support. Begin rubbing the wax onto the pouch, as shown above. Do so until the the pouch has a white layer of wax on it, as shown in the 3rd pic.
Melt Wax Into Pouch

Take a hairdryer and melt the wax into the fabric. There should not be any white areas left after all the wax is melted. Repeat steps 1 & 2 until the pouch has a good layer of wax on it(about 2-3 times).