Watermelon Planter
In this instructable, you'll learn to make a recyclable/upcycled pot that keeps your plants moist for a long time. plus when you're done you'll have some watermelon you can use to make some water or eat for breakfast.
- one half of a watermelon.
- spoon or ice cream scoop.
- Soil.
- Plants, I used succulents because they're really easy to care for.
Cut and Clean the Watermelon
The 1st step is to cut the watermelon in half making sure the edge is flat, then using the ice cream scoop or a spoon clean the inside of the watermelon and SAVE what you remove, this can be used to make some water or anything else.
​Decorating the Planter
If you wish you can cut the edge of the watermelon and make some patterns, otherwise skip this step
​Fill With Plants
Now get some soil and fill the planter, once it's filled it time to put some plants in it, I decided to plant succulents.
Add Water and Enjoy
Finally add water and enjoy your plants.