Water Pump Automation

In this Project, I show you how to make water pump automation system by using ultra sonic sensor. This system is fully automatic, no need to switch ON or OFF water pump. When water level down in water tank, this system automatically switch ON the pump and then water level reaches upper level of the tank, this system automatically switch OFF pump.
For making this, i am using:-
1. Arduino Uno https://amzn.to/3nFSniX
2. Transistor BD139 https://amzn.to/3GsBYqS
3. Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 https://amzn.to/3GsBYqS 4. 12volt Relay https://amzn.to/3GsBYqS 5. LEDs https://amzn.to/3GsBYqS
Connect Arduino to Computer and Open Arduino ID Software
Upload Code to Arduino
Code:- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yxor1nEVSRhSEMKj36BS1OZ5eofpeZVX/view?usp=sharing
Circuit Diagram
Diagram:- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WVbpdrSc2e99Q3cMpe4JRP-VZ5ZTiVjU/view?usp=sharing