Water Glass With Makey Makey

In this guide you will learn how to create a water activated relay. This is an example of turning the physical world into the digital world.
Makey Makey Kit, Thin Nail, Copper Wire, 8oz Plastic Cup, Tape, Water, (optional) LED's
Cup Setup

- Start by using a sharp pointed finish nail to poke holes through the top of your plastic cup. You will need 4 holes. Look at the image below for the location of the holes needed.The holes should be no more than a 1/8 inch apart.
- Insert coper wire
Connect Your Makey Makey

- Earth
- MS ↑
(See image below)
Optional Connection:
- Earth
(see image below)
Add a group of led's behind the cup to indicate when the water hits the wire.
Note: You can find LED's in flashlights at a dollar store.

Click on the link below to start the water glass
Note: Adjust the speed on the mouse pointer to slow or speed up the water flow for your project.