"Washoes " Game

by technologyguy in Living > Toys & Games

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"Washoes " Game

photo-2014-07-11, 5:36 PM.jpg
"Washoes is just another version of washer toss. Simple to learn but challenging enough to keep adults and children occupied for hours. Rules are simple and few. Boxes are set anywhere from 15 to 30 feet apart on the grass. Single players or teams of two toss two washers ( one at a time) towards one of the boxes. One foot must be behind the box. In the pipe= 5 points. In the box=3points. On the top edge of box or pipe= 2 points. On the grass within one foot of the box= 1 point. The team with the highest score cancels out the team with the lowest. Switch ends and keep playing until one team or player reaches 21. Too hard? Move the boxes closer until skill develops.


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I like to use pine and leave it untreated. It ages well and takes on a patina. Yes, it will become very dented from the steel washers but that gives it character. You could also use plywood or any scraps you have. I used 8 feet of 1x10 pine. You'll need 4 washers, about 2 1/4 inch in diameter. Home Depot # 3263 worked perfectly. For the pipe I found that two 4 inch PVC end caps were excellent as they are easy to attach to the wood seeing they have a bottom. White glue and some 1 1/2" finishing nails are used to hold it all together.

Cutting and Nailing

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Start by cutting six pieces 4" x 12". These will form the bases of the two boxes as the playing surface must be 12 inches square. Or just use a 12" square piece of plywood. Cut eight pieces 2 5/8" x 12 3/4". The width was chosen because the bottom is 3/4" thick and the end cap is 1 7/8" high. This makes the sides no higher than the pipe cap. Start assembly by glueing the 3 bottom pieces together. Nail and glue the sides to the exposed grain edges making sure to stagger them as shown.

Close the Box

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Nail and glue the other two sides. Repeat these steps for the second box then sand all the rough edges. Don't go crazy with sanding as the boxes will get lots of wear.

Add the Pipe

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Find the centre of each end cap and drill slightly larger than the screw you will use to hold it down. It's easy to find the middle as the manufacturer's logo is usually there. Centre one cap in the middle of each box and screw down with a screw no longer than 3/4". I put some silicone caulk under each cap to hold them more firmly in place.

Prepare the Washers

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Two washers can be left as is. The other two must be marked in some way to make them different. Sure you could paint them. I found it easier to lay them on a hard metal surface then use a centre punch and hammer to create a pattern which will distinguish them from the plain ones. Paint will wear off. Punch marks won't.
Now it's time to play the game. Don't even try to play this inside. The washers are heavy and will mark up your walls, floor and furniture.