Wall Hanging Strawbees
Maker : Thayamma.n
Location: Banjarapalya E4D Makerspace
I made this project for build night with strawbees.
660straw bees (16)
44straw bees(6)
154sstraw bees (4)
Take a straw & 44sLEG Pices, 154sLEG Pices, 660sLEG Pices and fix the straw in strawbees as shown in the pitcher.
Make a Cone Shape
Take all straws edge put in said straw bees we have to make a cone shape as shown in the image.
Give a Shape
Fix all the straw as shown in the image, we can give any shape and its look like this.
Make Same Thing Again
Make same thing again, we made two wall hanger.
Final Project
I fix two hangers with the help of strawbees
as shows in the pitcher finally we get straw &straw bees wall hanger.