Wall Fallowing Car With PID
by Azmi Deliaslan in Circuits > Robots
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Wall Fallowing Car With PID
I will show you how can you make a Wall Fallowing Car With PID.
Here is a list of parts that i used to make this project:
- Arduino UNO
- 4*DC Motor and Whell
- 2*HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor
- L298 Motor Driver
- 2* Breadboard
- On/Off Switch
- Jumper Wires
I use adaptor and LM2596 voltaj regulator instead of battaries because i couldn't afford it.Don't wory about wire which you will see in the video.
The code has explanations of code functions. You will easly understand it. If you have a problem , you can contact me.
const int ln1=9; //define L298 motor pins const int ln2=8; const int ln3=6; const int ln4=7; const int enA=10; //define L298 enable pins const int enB=5; //!enable pins have to connect with arduino's PWM pins!
const int trigpin=A3; //define left HC-SR04 pins const int echopin=A4; const int trigpin2=A1; //define front HC-SR04 pins const int echopin2=A2;
int distance1; //define distance and time int time1; int distance2; int time2;
int redLed=4; //define leds int greenLed=2;
void setup() { pinMode(ln1,OUTPUT); //all motor pins output pinMode(ln2,OUTPUT); pinMode(ln3,OUTPUT); pinMode(ln4,OUTPUT); pinMode(enA,OUTPUT); pinMode(enB,OUTPUT);
pinMode(trigpin,OUTPUT); //trigpin is output because it sends sound wave pinMode(echopin, INPUT); //echopin is ınput because it receives sound wave pinMode(trigpin2,OUTPUT); pinMode(echopin2,INPUT);
pinMode(redLed,OUTPUT); pinMode(greenLed,OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); }
void loop() { //FOR MEASURE THE DISTANCE digitalWrite(trigpin,LOW); //first, we start trigpin low delay(45); digitalWrite(trigpin,HIGH); //second, we open trigpin and send sound made delay(45); digitalWrite(trigpin,LOW); //then, we close again for other loop time1 = pulseIn(echopin,HIGH); //then, we open echopin and receive sound made and //we measure the time with pulseIn() function. distance1 = time1/(2*29.1); ////finally, we measure the distance between wall and the robot
digitalWrite(trigpin2,LOW); delay(45); digitalWrite(trigpin2,HIGH); delay(45); digitalWrite(trigpin2,LOW); time2 = pulseIn(echopin2,HIGH); distance2 = time2/(2*29.1);
//FOR LEDs int baseDistant=17; if(distance1 >= (baseDistant-1) && distance1 <= (baseDistant + 1) ){ digitalWrite(redLed,HIGH);digitalWrite(greenLed,LOW); } else if(distance1>(baseDistant + 1)){ digitalWrite(greenLed,HIGH); digitalWrite(redLed,LOW); } else{ digitalWrite(redLed,LOW);digitalWrite(greenLed,LOW); }
//FOR PID float error; float lastError=0; float integral=0; float motorSpeed; float rightMotorSpeed; float leftMotorSpeed; float rightBaseSpeed = 90; float leftBaseSpeed = 100; float kp = 6.5; //kp,ki,kd values should be chance for better result float ki = 2.4; float kd = 1;
error = distance1 - baseDistant; integral +=error; motorSpeed = (kp*error) + (kd*(error - lastError)) + (ki*integral); lastError = error;
rightMotorSpeed =rightBaseSpeed + motorSpeed/2; leftMotorSpeed =leftBaseSpeed - motorSpeed/2;
//to avoid high speed if(rightMotorSpeed > 150){ rightMotorSpeed = 150; } if(rightMotorSpeed <0){ rightMotorSpeed =0; } if(leftMotorSpeed > 150){ leftMotorSpeed = 150; } if(leftMotorSpeed < 0 ){ leftMotorSpeed = 0; } digitalWrite(ln1,HIGH); digitalWrite(ln2,LOW); analogWrite(enA,rightMotorSpeed); digitalWrite(ln3,HIGH); digitalWrite(ln4,LOW); analogWrite(enB,leftMotorSpeed);
if(distance2 < 20){ //if front distance smaller than 20cm //TURN RIGHT digitalWrite(ln1,LOW); digitalWrite(ln2,HIGH); analogWrite(enA,250); digitalWrite(ln3,HIGH); digitalWrite(ln4,LOW); analogWrite(enB,250); } }