Wall-E (fusion 360)

this is a modle of the robot wall-e from the pixar film wall-e i have spent quite a few hours on this and i am saving for a 3d printer so this is why i have entered.

Firstly you want to create this sort of shape which will become the track you have to make sure that the cogs are separate so you can extrude them
Main Body
next make a box next to the track i had this as 122mm wide 122mm long and 125 high then extrude to these measurements
2 Tracks

now flip the tracks so there are 2 when i did this i ran into problems because one was facing forward and one was facing back

this bit is not as tricky as it looks all i did was make 2 oblongs in and move them into place above his body

i used the 3 point arch feature in a sketch to make the eyes then it was just a case of extruding also i attached it to the neck at and angle to give him a slightly funny look.

just like with the neck i sketched out an oblong the made it 3d and pushed it into the correct possition

to do this you make 3 oblongs and again put them into position then you are done