Wall Clock Decor

This is my very first Instructable. I am going to explain how I made my own wall decor clock using only Tin foil , Cardboard and other house hold items. I hope you guys will try to make it too. So let's get started...
1. Tin Foil
2. Card Board
3. Black Colour Paper
4. Glue
5. Clock Machine with Needles (Amazon)
6. Scissors
7. Knife
8. Ruler
9. Stapler
10. Pen

So like I said, It's a simple craft that can be made using cardboard, Tin-foil, and other household items. This Decor consists of a body and 12 arms. Each arm represents 12 digits in the clock. The length of each arm is different from the other. The length is increased when it progresses from 1-12.
So let's start with the main body of the craft...
The Body

So we start with making the body of the clock. The body consists of a circle that is 200mm in diameter. Draw a circle on the cardboard, and cut it using a scissor or a knife. Also, drill a hole in the middle with a diameter of 10mm.
The cardboard that I used here is 8mm thick. So the Clock's needle connector will not reach the other side. For placing it in place, we have to remove two layers from the back of the cardboard. For that, place the clock mechanism in the middle of the cardboard and draw its outline onto the cardboard with a help of a marker or a pen. Now cut slowly into the cardboard using a knife. Be careful here. Try not to cut too deep into the cardboard or you gonna end-up making a through-hole to the other end of the cardboard making it useless.
Now carefully remove the first layer of the cardboard with the help of a knife. After cleaning the layers, you gonna end up with a single layer of cardboard. Now place the Clock into the depression that we made and glue it in place.
Those who wish to do this with the help of Laser Cutter or CNC can use the .dxf files that I attached below.
The Hands and Assembly

We have 12 hands representing 12 hours of the clock. Each hand differs in size according to the position. The tallest hand length over 300mm and the smallest length is 50mm. There is a 25 mm tolerance has given to each of the hands so that they may be used for fixing it to the main body and the end palm. So from 1-12, the length increases by 25mm each until it reaches 30mm.
First for making the hands, cut 12 rectangle strips of 325mm x 15mm. Also cut 12 circles whose diameter is 80mm. Now you have to attach the rectangle piece to the circle. For that, I am using a stapler here. You can use tape or glue instead. Attach them firmly so that they don't break off easiely. Repeat the process for all 12 hands.
So it's time to attach 12 hands to the main body. For that take the main body and attach the end of the hand to each position respectively. I have again used a stapler here. Some glue will do the same. Each hand is at an angle of 30degree from each other. You can download the template below.
Tin-Foil Covering

We have completed all of our structural works. Now it's time to cover everything with Tin-Foil. Tin-foil can be smashed into any shape you desire. Also it will automatically blend into the surface. So first, take a piece of foil from the roll and curl it into a ball. After that unwrap it very carefully so that it won't tear accidently. It gonna give you a shiny textured surface that will look cool. Now keep it aside and take the body. Apply a minimum amount of glue on to the cardboard and apply it firmly.
Now take the foil and wrap it around the cardboard. Please note that you have to blend the foil to the actual shape. You can take more foil than requires and mold it into the actual shape. Repeat the same process all over the decor. After finishing everything up, Let it dry for 15 minutes (Time varies depending upon what kind of glue that you are using).
Final Touch

So we are at the final step of Decor Clock. We reserved the black paper for last. Take the paper and cut out a circle whose diameter is 200mm. Now poke a hole in the center of the circle using a pen or scissors. Apply glue in the center of the clock and paste the circle. When the glue dries, place the needles one by one to the clock.
In addition to the black paper, we have to give a boundary. For that take a long sheet of the Tin-Foil and mold it into a rope. Now apply some glue to the boundaries and place the rope on them...

The Wall Clock decor is completed. You can add more to this craft like numbers, more colors, etc. Also, those who like to make this out of CNC or laser cutter can do that too. I hope you enjoyed this craft...!