WK1: Necklaces

by kobernik in Craft > Art

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WK1: Necklaces

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I started this project by following the week 1 tutorial. After creating two points, I connected those points to a python script that reads in a series of slider parameter values and uses for loops to procedurally build up a list of points.

These points were then transformed into a list of curves by applying a minimum distance threshold.

The curves were then offset and capped using [OffsetCrv], then transformed into planar surfaces using [Boundary].

The planar surfaces were extruded using [Extr] with a set height, and the final volumetric geometry was boolean union'd together with [SUnion].


Rhino, Grasshopper, Pufferfish

Adjustments to Find the Amulet

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I continued making adjustments to the python code to generate patterns and settled on a pattern that reminded me of a necklace.

Fabricating the Amulet

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Baking the Grasshopper procedure was straightforward.

Importing to Ultimaker Cura was easy and rewarding to see the gcode toolpath preview.

The amulet is sturdy, satisfying to hold, and will make a fetching necklace.

Enter the Spiral

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Parametric Spiral in Rhino/GH

I was curious about integrating a spiral pattern, so I looked up some processing code examples, and added a pattern that would generate a spiral.

The rx slider controls number of rotations, the mod slider controls spiral size.

if(j % 6 == 0):
        count = i*ry + j; 
        count *= 0.02;
        nx = (pt2.X/2) + (count * mod/10) * math.cos(count);
        ny = (pt2.Y/2) + (count * mod/10) * math.sin(count);
        pt.append(rs.CreatePoint(nx, ny));

Combining Spiral and Lattice

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I was curious what the geometry transformation pipeline would spit out if I superimposed patterns, so I combined the spiral pattern with a lattice pattern.

# Spiral generator
if(j % 6 == 0):
    count = i*ry + j;
    count *= 0.02;
    nx = (pt2.X/2) + (count * mod/10) * math.cos(count);
    ny = (pt2.Y/2) + (count * mod/10) * math.sin(count);
    pt.append(rs.CreatePoint(nx, ny));

# Lattice generator
if((i + j/2) % mod == 0 or (i - j/2) % mod == 0):
    pt.append(rs.CreatePoint(x-pt2.X, y-pt2.Y, 0.0))

The result was satisfying. Because both patterns are dependent on the "mod" input variable, tweaks to this slider result in significant changes to the overall composition.