by Pu22L3 in Circuits > Audio

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I am always trying to find ways of how to intersect sound and visuals. My personal ethos is to look for outside inspiration when it comes to understand and contributing to my discipline with sound. I created this project as a means of deconstructing how i see music. Other than being a classically trained bass player, I like to DJ. I started when there was no serrato or other forms of turntable controllerism let alone there was no real graphical interface that forced me how to perceive and ingest music. I would always envision my music which made play more from my heart than a technical side. With todays technologies, i've been losing that sight. This is a way of resisting the programmings of the current musical ingestion of todays musical landscapes and helps me reclaim my creativity by depriving me of what the wave form looks like. Ultimately turning on an unsaid creative voice that speaks up when not distracted by some companies visual and auditory garbage. Thanks for looking and enjoy looking into the process. If you want to see this live feel free to get a hold of me. Lets talk :)

Find Random Sub Woofer System on the Street in the Bayview


Title explains it all. Go anywhere in SF and you will constantly find audio E waste. From mini speakers, monitors, even old zip drives. I then take this "trash" and create instruments out of them. This time around I found a sub woofer system in the Bayview district. I called a friend over and he helped me pick it up and we brought it back to the art studio.

Dismantle, Assess, Organization of Wiring


I then took apart all the electronics on both the tweeter system and sub system and assessed my speaker size situation. I also mapped out how i was going to wire the system

Layout and Set Up


After figuring out that the tweeters were passive and that the only thing that needed powering was the sub, I then laid out an easy accessible means of getting to the wires so i have the ability for quick set ups and clean ups.



I then tested the rig first by creating a simple patch to see if it passes signal. Turned on the receivers for both speakers and VIOLA ! ! ! NOISE!!

I then organized a set up that could be easy to set up, small, and fast to clean up.

Wave Table Tests and Performance

Wave Table Tests
More Wave Table Test
More Wave Table Tests 3

Here are pictures of examples of my set up, tests, end results. If you want to see this live, feel free to get a hold of me at ::puzzlebreaker(at)(gmail)(dot)(com):: or pm here :) Thanks for looking