WAMP Alias/ Prepros/ and Hello World Webpage Tutorial

by igweckay in Circuits > Websites

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WAMP Alias/ Prepros/ and Hello World Webpage Tutorial

WAMP alias directory/ Prepros page update/ (Hello World webpage tutorial)

This tutorial walks you through the process of creating an index.php file, being able to run the php file on a local server, and being able to dynamically update the page in a browser using Prepros.

Go to the folder where wamp is and search for the www directory.

Usually, if you have not changed the directory location upon install, it will be here... c:/wamp/www/

In this directory, create a folder, or add a folder of you choice

If you add a folder, make sure the file that you would like to launch is named index.php


If there is no file in the folder, create an index.php file.

For tutorial purposes, write the following lines of code below to see "Hello World" upon execution

Left click on the upward carrot (^) on the taskbar.


Left click on the wamp icon


Click on Apache --> Alias directories --> + Add an alias


Follow directions on the command screen

Open Prepros and drag in file.

Click More Options --> Project Options

Click the "Live Preview Custom Server" box

Type in the server url into the box that pops up.

This url was created in Step 7. For example, for the example above, it is http://localhost/testone

Click "Save Options"

Click on "Live Preview" --> Open Live Preview

Hello World should appear in the browser.

Now, whenever you edit the page and save it, the browser will automatically be updated.
Watch the video for more clarity...