Voronoi Dog

by Amit_Jain in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Voronoi Dog


Hi All,

In this instructable, I will share, how I made this Voronoi pattern dog


  • 3d Printer
  • Meshmixer
  • Cura
  • TinkerCad

Download a 3d Model

  • Go to your favorite 3d Model site
  • I like Thingiverse.com
  • I would recommend picking a low poly model instead of full poly
  • For this instructable I used https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:446787
  • You can choose any other model too

my model is avaliable at https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4792489

Meshmixer 1/3

  • If you do not have Meshmixer, download and install from https://www.meshmixer.com/download.html
  • Import the stl file into Meshmixer
  • After import, you will notice the surface is different than you expected
  • To fix this, click on Edit and select Generate Face Groups, This should fix the shape
  • Now under Edit, select Make Pattern
  • As soon as you select it, the default is Tiled Tubes, you can change the pattern using Pattern Type dropdown
  • You can experiment with the different patterns but for out Voronoi we need to select "Dual Edges" or "Mesh + Delaunay Dual edges"
  • You can play with the "Element dimension" and "element spacing" for desired thickness
  • Once happy, press the Accept button, it may take a few minutes while Meshmixer processes the model

Meshmixer 2/3

  • After Meshmixer is done processing, it may have cracks or error
  • In this case, it does show them as red dots
  • Just to be sure, select Analysis and then Inspector
  • You will be able to see all the defects, I typically select Auto repair all and then Done

Meshmizer 3/3

  • Many times the base of the model is not flat, it may not print well
  • To avoid this you can either slice the base by 0.5 to 1mm
  • Or Add a base
  • I created a 2mm thick 100mm circular disc in tinkercad, and export it as stl file
  • Now import this disc in Meshmixer, select Append
  • Use object browser to select the disc and Generate face groups
  • Under Edit, use transform to align the dog and the base
  • In Object browser select the dog and the base, option to combine automatically pops up
  • Select Combine and then export the model

Cura Settings

  • Install Cylinder custom support and restart Cura
  • Import the model in Cura
  • Do not activate Supports use custom supports
  • We need to add support where needed, for this model, I added just on
  • Resolution 0.28mm
  • Reduced scale to 80%

Printing and Cleanup

  • Export the gcode from Cura and print it
  • It took 3.5 hrs for me
  • Once done, you will notice that there is a lot of stringing
  • Use a hair drier to melt the string
  • Since we did not use supports, there will be some sagging but does not standout

I hope you will try this method and do share your feedback and suggestions