A volcano is a mountain or hill, typically conical, having a crater or vent through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth's crust.
Get Materials
1 Liter Bottle
All Purpose Flour
Acrylic Paint
Baking Soda
Distilled Vinegar
Red Food Coloring
News Paper
Any Kind Tray ( at least 10 by 10)
Large Mixing Bowl
Step 2
Place bottle on the tray.
Step 3
Pour ½ cup flour and ½ cup water into the bowl and mix it with a whisk until it has no lumps.
Step 4
Cut the Newspaper into 5 inch length and 3 inch inch in width strips.
Step 5
Dip the newspaper in the water and flour mixture and layer over the bottle then let it dry overnight. Repeat the layering process 3 times.
Step 6
Paint over the dry newspaper until its completely one color.
Step 7
Pour the red food coloring in the vinegar bottle.
Step 8
Pour 1 cup of
baking soda in the volcano.
Step 9
Pour the red coloring and vinegar mixture into the volcano with the baking soda in it until it erupts.
Step 10
Watch the volcano erupt.