Vegetarian Quiche

by _GRego_ in Cooking > Vegetarian & Vegan

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Vegetarian Quiche


Hi there!

In this Instructable I will teach you how to make a Vegetarian Quiche step by step.

This recipe was taught by my mother, even though I have made some changes to it, to make it even more delicious!

This incredible meal can do wonders, when you can't figure out what to cook, either for lunch, or dinner, and if you're drooling just by thinking about it, like me, then let's get started!




(For the filling)

  • 350g of Red Cabbage, sliced
  • 350g of Cabbage, sliced
  • 200g of Mushrooms, sliced (mine were canned)
  • 200g of Bell Pepper, sliced (if possible, use multiple types, to add different vitamins and make it colorful)
  • 175g of Onion, sliced
  • 50g of Sweet Corn
  • 4 Eggs
  • 1 large Carrot, grated
  • 1 tsp of Herbs de Provence
  • 1 tsp of Paprika
  • 1 tsp of Turmeric
  • Soy Sauce

(For the topping)

  • 175g of Mozzarella Cheese (grated or in slices)
  • 1 tsp of Oregano (optional)

(For the dough)

  • 90g of Wholemeal Flour
  • 50g of Oatmeal Flour
  • 40g of Plain Flour
  • 5g of Carob Flour (optional)
  • 40g of Olive Oil
  • 25 mL of Water (for reference, I use 3/4 of a coffee cup. Careful not to add much water, as it will make the dough more soggy.)
  • 1 Egg White (from one of the 4 eggs)
  • 1g of Salt


  • 1 Pie Mold
  • 1 Large Bowl (for the dough)
  • 1 Smaller Bowl (for whisking the eggs)
  • 1 Electric Mixer (optional)
  • 1 Large Mixing Spoon
  • 1 Medium Cooking Pot (about 1,25 L of capacity)

NOTE: The filling can be any other combination of veggies. The ones used in this recipe were the ones already available in my fridge, so feel completely free to change them, as I often do ;)

Preheat the Oven

It's as simple as the title says. Preheat the oven to 220 ºC.

Let's Dough It


Sorry for the pun. Anyway, to actually begin with this recipe, we'll start by making the dough.

First of all, set your large bowl and start weighting the ingredients in. First the dry ones (flours), and then the rest of the ingredients (salt, olive oil, water and egg white). Note that we'll be using the egg white only, so this is a great time to sepparate the egg white from its yolk. Place the latter on the smaller bowl, and set aside.

Dig in with your hands and mix the batter. Once it reaches a consistent, yet moldable mixture, you're done!

Pass the dough into the pie mold and stretch it out, passing a little bit of the edges (as seen on the last picture).

The Eggs


That's an easy one. Crack open the eggs into the small bowl already containing an egg yolk.

Whisk them evenly, and set aside.

Slice and Sizzle


It may seem like it's going to take forever to do this, by looking at the pictures, but trust me, it's not that long.

First of all, I enjoy having my veggies already cut and ready to throw in the cooking pot, so that's what we'll do!

Slice the onion, the bell pepers and the cabbages. Grate the carrot. Drain the excess liquid from the sweet corn and the mushrooms.

Tip: have the spices and herbs already prepared in a small container. For example, I place them on a tiny coffee plate, but any smaller container will do just fine!

As mentioned in the title, you might guess that now it's time to sizzle, so that's exactly what's going to happen.

We'll start by adding the onion in the pot, and gently dizzle with olive oil. Add a pinch of salt (careful, because the soy sauce is salty), and let it heat up on high heat. As soon as the onions begin to really sizzle, reduce the heat to medium-high and sautée for about 5 minutes. Don't forget to keep mixing everything.

After that, pour some soy sauce and revolve once in a while, for about 2 minutes. Add the bell peppers and sautée some more, until the peppers are a bit more tender. Add the spices and herbs, and mix everything.

It is now time to add the red cabbage. As it is a bit tougher, we have to let it steam for a few minutes (3-4 minutes is perfect). In the meanwhile, don't forget to stir everything once in a while, so it doesn't stick to the bottom and burn.

Having passed these minutes, we add the carrot and the sweet corn. These are lovely, because they bring some sweetness to contrast with the overall salty flavour. We let it cook for 2-3 minutes.

As you may notice by the amount of veggies left in the counter, we're reaching the end of this part of the recipe, therefore, to finish, we'll add the cabbage and the mushrooms. Let it cook for about 5 minutes and turn the stove off. Let the veggie mixture rest for 1-2 minutes, on top of the stove (if it is an electric one, because some heat will still be purposed).



It's now time to assemble everything! Well, almost... We're not adding the cheese yet, but soon we will.

First of, pour the vegetables on top of the dough previously stretched. Next, pour in the eggs and make your way to the oven, as you will put the quiche inside of it. This will be the final cooking stage!

Cheesy Innit?


Quite a descriptive title, right? I know it isn't...

As you may have perceived, it is know the time to add the cheese. But wait! You can only do it once the eggs are "solid", that is, you'll only be able to add the cheese, once the eggs are cooked. This usually happens after about 10 minutes, but as a rule of thumb, look at the quiche, and if the eggs look golden and apparently cooked all the way, you can add the cheese (take the 1st image as a reference).

Spread the cheese out evenly across all of the quiche top area (2nd image), with the amount that you wish (wink wink) and let it cook for another 10 minutes, or until the cheese has some golden spots (as seen on the 3rd image).

Once it's done, and before serving, you can add some dry oregano leaves to give it extra taste.



Hooray! We have a beautiful and delicious quiche, waiting for us to devour it!

This is the best step (in my humble opinion), and since this is a rather hot dish, I enjoy eating it with some fresh tomato salad on the side, seasoned only with olive oil, vinegar and oregano!

It's assumed that you'll be eating the quiche while it's still hot, but if you have a picnic soon, or just want something different to take to work for lunch, this is a great idea, since it can be eaten cold. Speaking of which, don't forget to store any leftovers on a sealed container in the fridge, so that way you can enjoy it on another meal!

That's all! I really hope you enjoyed this as much as I always do whenever i cook this dish!

Thank you and happy cooking!