Utilizing Recycled High Density Polyethylene to Create a Total Hip Replacement and Knee Replacement Joint

by dgadhi2793 in Workshop > 3D Design

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Utilizing Recycled High Density Polyethylene to Create a Total Hip Replacement and Knee Replacement Joint

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Utilizing Fusion 360, I CAD modeled a Total Hip Replacement Joint and a Knee Replacement Joint and then changed the material properties to utilize high density Polyethylene. When brainstorming the idea for this project, I realized that there is a lot of plastic that is currently being thrown away and polluting our waterways, bays, oceans, rivers, streams, and ecosystems across our nation. So, I thought that Fusion 360 might be a good way to reuse recycled polyethylene to create artificial joint shtat people with arthritis or other bone conditions may need. This way, there is a win-win for the environment and human health. For the CAD Model that looks more like a lever, this a an artificial Total Hip Replacement Joint while the more cylindrical joint is a total knee replacement joint that fits in between the patella and femor. I had to conduct some preliminary medical research and found that polyethylene is a strong plastic when in high density that can be used for artificial joints. Thus, I was able to conceptually reuse these plastics and create my own medical technology that will ultimately advance human health.




Fusion 360

Create Sketch for Total Replacement Knee Joint and Then Extrude

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I first created a simple circle and then extruded it to create a cylinder and then cut a square shape hole where I would eventually extrude the square to create my first rectangular projection.

Filleted the Rectangular Projection on the Knee Joint

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I utilized the Modify command to create a filleted rectangular projection for easier insertion into the desired area on the knee for total replacement surgery.

Create Cylindrical Extrusion on the Bottom of the Base and Extrude Two Ellipses

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I created a sketch of a circle on the bottom of the base and then extruded it and then created two ellipses on the top of the base near the filleted projection to ultimately shell these components.

Utilize Shell Feature, Material Properties, Add Two More Cylinders

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I shelled the extruded ellipses, changed the material properties to high density polyethylene for the part to maintain the normal range of motion for the joint and then added two more cylinders for adequate mobility and durability of the artificial joint.

Begin Creation and Sketching of Total Replacement Hip Joint

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I first extruded the basic shape of the Joint. I utilized simple shapes like circles and then two arms to create that pivot look of the joint.

Create Half Sphere to Resemble Ball and Socket Look and Cylindrical Projection

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I created a half sphere for the joint to start to resemble the look of a ball and socket mechanism and then added a small cylinder at the other end of the 3D form.

Subtractive Processes and Material Properties

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I utilized the Cut feature (a subtractive process) to remove circle and small lines to add small pockets of space within the part and then changed the material properties from the default stainless steel to high density polyethylene.

Finished Products Side by Side

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Here are the Finished Products- Knee Joint on Left and Hip Joint on Right. Thanks for reading my presentation!