Using Python/PyQt to Run "T5-Small" AI Engine Locally

by matt392 in Circuits > Software

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Using Python/PyQt to Run "T5-Small" AI Engine Locally


Python program that uses the T5-Small AI engine to take a question from a user, scan text files in a folder on the local computer, run them through T5-Small AI engine and extract information from each text document. For some reason, Instructables would not allow the Python file to be uploaded, so it has been uploaded in PDF and ODT formats, which can be copied and pasted into a Python IDE. The code is also in step one, so it can be copied and pasted from there.

Be sure to create several text files to be placed in a folder on the local computer for the T5-Small AI engine to scan. In the screenshot example above, I used a few text files on breastfeeding.

Also created 2 flowcharts to help understand how the program works: one from Mermaid code and one from Powerpoint.


  1. Debian Linux
  2. Python
  3. PyQt5 toolkit
  4. T5-Small AI engine from Hugging Face
  5. Transformers library, pipeline, AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM

Python Code


Flowchart of program:
> Import tools, libraries, fucntions and modules from Python
> Set up cache directory
> Load AI model: T5
> Load the correct tokenizer
> Specify question and answer pipeline
> Start function to extract data from files in a separate thread
> For each text document in folder:
> Extract information from text
> Process through T5 AI engine
> Set up PyQt5 GUI
> Function to select folder
> Update progress bar
> Display results in GUI
# The os library interacts with the operating system
import os
# Transformers library, developed by Hugging Face, is for natural language processing
# pipeline is a function in the transformers library;
# makes use of the pre-trained models simpler
# AutoTokenizer automatically selects and loads the appropriate tokenizer
# Tokenization converts the raw text into format that can be understood by machine learning models
# AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM class selects the correct architecture based on the model being used
from transformers import pipeline, AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM
# os.environ represents environment variables in the current process
# Can read or set variables
# Use Wayland instead of X11
os.environ['QT_QPA_PLATFORM'] = 'wayland'
os.environ['XDG_SESSION_TYPE'] = 'wayland'

# GUI related imports
# PyQt5 provides tools for graphical user interfaces
import sys
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QMainWindow, QWidget, QVBoxLayout,
QHBoxLayout, QLabel, QLineEdit, QPushButton,
QTextEdit, QProgressBar, QFileDialog)
from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread, pyqtSignal, QCoreApplication, Qt

# Set up cache directory
cache_dir = '/home/vboxuser/transformers_cache'
# Creates a directory at the path specified in "cache_dir"
# If it exists already, it will not throw an error
os.makedirs(cache_dir, exist_ok=True)
# The information in variable "cache_dir" is placed into
# the environment variable "TRANSFORMERS_CACHE"
os.environ['TRANSFORMERS_CACHE'] = cache_dir
# Print the location of the cache directory defined previously
print(f"Using cache directory: {cache_dir}")

# The following code will load the T5 engine (Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer).
# Can do translation, summarization, question/answer, text classification
# Assigns string identifier to the variable "model_name"
model_name = "t5-small"
# Loads and initializes the correct tokenizer associated with the AI model
# The tokenizer preprocesses the text; is separate from the actual model
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name)
# Loads and initializes actual model
# Assigns to variable "model"
model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained(model_name)
# Utilizes the pipeline function to specify the task type ("question and answer")
# Uses the model and tokenzier
# Assigns to variable "qa_pipeline" which can be used for question/answering tasks
qa_pipeline = pipeline("text2text-generation", model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer)
# Confirms that the model has been loaded without errors
print(f"Model {model_name} loaded successfully")

# Class for running analysis in a separate thread
class AnalysisThread(QThread):
progress_update = pyqtSignal(int)
analysis_complete = pyqtSignal(list)

def __init__(self, folder, question):
self.folder = folder
self.question = question

def run(self):
results = self.extract_breastfeeding_info(self.folder, self.question)

# Function to extract information from documents
# Parameters are "documents_folder" and "question"
# "question" is the query that will determine what information is extracted
# Will print out the text file name and its length
def extract_breastfeeding_info(self, documents_folder, question):

results = []
txt_files = [f for f in os.listdir(documents_folder) if f.endswith('.txt')]
total_files = len(txt_files)

for i, document in enumerate(txt_files):
print(f"Processing file: {document}")
with open(os.path.join(documents_folder, document), "r") as file:
context =
if not context.strip():
print(f"Warning: File {document} is empty!")
# Prints file name and length
print(f"File {document} contains text. Length: {len(context)} characters")

# Format input for T5
input_text = f"question: {question} context: {context}"

# Use the text-to-text pipeline
output = qa_pipeline(input_text, max_length=50, num_return_sequences=1)

answer_text = output[0]['generated_text']

# T5 doesn't provide a confidence score
# For example, we could check if the answer is not empty or meets a certain length
if len(answer_text.strip()) > 0:
results.append((document, answer_text, 1.0)) # Using 1.0 as a placeholder score
print(f"Empty answer for question: {question} in document: {document}")

except Exception as e:
print(f"Error reading file {document}: {e}")

# Update progress
self.progress_update.emit(int((i + 1) / total_files * 100))

# Send the "results" list back to the point where the function was called
return results

# Create new class called MainWindow for the GUI
class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):

# initUI sets up the basic GUI
def initUI(self):
# Window Title
self.setWindowTitle("Breastfeeding information using local AI engine T5")
# Sets position (x axis in pixels, y axis in pixels, width in pixels, height in pixels
self.setGeometry(100, 100, 600, 400)

# Create widget
central_widget = QWidget()
# Set widget as central_widget
# Creates vertical box for central_widget
layout = QVBoxLayout(central_widget)

# Create a label widget for "Question"
# Create text Entry widget for question input
self.question_entry = QLineEdit()
# Adds the text entry to the layout

# Create a label widget for "Folder"
# Lines up widgest horizontally
folder_layout = QHBoxLayout()
# Create text Entry widget for folder input
# QLineEdit is a one-line text editor
self.folder_entry = QLineEdit()
# Add folder entry line to layout
# Create Button widget called "Select Folder"
select_folder_button = QPushButton("Select Folder")
# When the button is clicked, activate the select_folder function
# Add "select_folder_button" to the layout
# Adds "folder_layout" to the larger layout structure

# Create Button widget called "Run Analysis"
run_button = QPushButton("Run Analysis")
# When the button is clicked, activate the "run_analysis" function
# Add the "run_button" to the overall layout

# Create Progressbar widget
self.progress_bar = QProgressBar()
# Add the "progress_bar" widget to the overall layout

# Create Text widget for displaying results
# QTextEdit() is a multiline text editor
self.results_text = QTextEdit()
# Add the "results_text" text box to the overall layout

# Function to select folder using file dialog
# QFileDialog provides interface for selecting folders/files
def select_folder(self):
options = QFileDialog.Options()
options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog
folder = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(self, "Select Folder", options=options)
if folder:
print(f"Selected folder: {folder}") # Debug print
print("No folder selected")

# Function to run the analysis
def run_analysis(self):
# Put question user entered into "question" variable
question = self.question_entry.text()
folder = self.folder_entry.text()

if not question or not folder:
print("Please enter both a question and select a folder.")

print(f"Starting analysis with question: '{question}' in folder: '{folder}'") # Debug print


# Runs the analysis
self.analysis_thread = AnalysisThread(folder, question)
# Updates the progress bar
# Sends results to screen
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in run_analysis: {str(e)}")

# Function to update progress bar
def update_progress(self, value):

# Function to display results
def display_results(self, results):
if results:
for doc, answer, _ in results:
self.results_text.append(f"Document: {doc}\nAnswer: {answer}\n\n")
self.results_text.append("No answers found.")

# This block only runs if the script is executed directly (not imported)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create the primary application
app = QApplication(sys.argv)

# Try to enable high DPI scaling
if hasattr(QCoreApplication, 'setAttribute'):
except AttributeError:
pass # Attribute doesn't exist, skip it

# Set up the application style called Fusion

# Create the main window
main_window = MainWindow()
# Show the main window
# Start the application and listen for events
# Keeps window open