Use IFTTT From a Raspberry Pi Without Technical Knowledge Using NodeRED

by thethingbox in Workshop > Home Improvement

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Use IFTTT From a Raspberry Pi Without Technical Knowledge Using NodeRED


This Instructable was made in order to provide a simple way to use IFTTT's Maker channel ( on a Raspberry Pi.

A Simple Flow


Here is the simple flow we will build with the graphical editor.

It just sends a value to IFTTT.

Additionally, it shows that it is as easy to send data from a ZWave motion sensor to IFTTT.

Download and Install the Pi SDCard


Go to and download the SDCard image you can flash using the Etcher app (

Learn more here :

Access the Visual Editor


Use your web browser to access the visual editor using the network name you gave in the setup process

Install NodeRED Nodes


Click the right menu in the Node-RED web page.

Choose "Manage Palette" then "Install". Type "ttb-ifttt" in the edit box and click the OK button. Wait for the install.

Build a Simple Flow


We will build a simple flow with the IFTTT node.

Edit the Node


You will have to choose a name for your event.

Also you should get the key from the IFTTT web site (see here to learn how to get the key).


You can add a function node to set/calculate the payload you want to send to IFTTT.

Alternatively, you can use nodes that provide that value as for instance a ZWave or Philips Hue motion sensor.

See here to learn more about how to use Hue devices.

Learn more here about this tutorial.

Deploy and Test


Just hit the deploy button and now, by clicking the Go button you can switch the LED on and off.