Upcycle an Old IPod

by 5106678 in Living > Life Hacks

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Upcycle an Old IPod

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Ok... First things first(sorry about the camera quality. I have two bad cameras. one is my laptop and the other is my temporary flip phone... yes.. a flip phone). You are going to need an old iPod and a speaker base for it or some other speaker that you can plug it into. You are also going to need a smart plug and preferably Amazon's Echo dot. This is going to turn your old iPod that has all of your old songs on it and make it smart.

Pair Your Smart Plug With Your Echo Dot

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All you need to do is plug in the plug and make sure your Echo is plugged in and ready. Go into the Amazon Alexa app and open the "More" page. Select add a device and your Echo dot should find it pretty quick. After it is connected name it "iPod" or "music" so that when you want to turn it on all you have to say is "turn on music" or "iPod"

Plug the Speaker and IPod Into the Plug

All you need to do now is plug the speaker and iPod into the smart plug and you are all set! This actually is kinda worth the money because if you throw away your iPod all of those songs are worth a lot and you might not even know how to get into your old Apple ID to transfer them and save them. Most of us probably have some sort of smart home assistant and even if you don't the plug works with your phone so you really don't need a smart home assistant like Alexa. Its worth the money if you think about it.