Umbrella Survival Walking Stick/Harpoon

by XxFullMetalxX in Outside > Survival

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Umbrella Survival Walking Stick/Harpoon

2014-01-14 03.27.29.jpg
Hallo everybody here is my new instruction i hope you like it :)

What You Need :)

2014-01-14 02.48.40.jpg
1x Umbrella
1x Cutter knife
electric tape
1x rasp? sry my english is not god xD
some rubberband
2 x tongs

The Walking Stick

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Picture :
1/2. remove the nail
3. remove the cloth
4. remove a capsule it should look like
6/7.remove the wire
8. remove the details
9.that you need
10.the tube from the umbrella stick
11.will fix the rubber on the tube with cable straps
12/13. fix the capsule with cable straps
14/15. finish the stick :D

The Spears

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1/4. remove the holder
5/6. rasp the metal end
7. finish the spear


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1. the result
2. remove the handle and the pin
3.load the harpune
4. shoot :D
5. the magazine fit 4 spears
6. that's it

my english is bad
i hope the pictures will help you

have fun with my instruction :'P