Umbrella Bike Helmet Holder

Have you ever wanted to bike but it’s pouring outside? Well, with our Bike Umbrella Holder, you will be able to bike in all weather conditions.
- Fusion 360
- Computer
- 3D printer(If you want to print it out)
- Keyboard

Create a new sketch and thaw a rectangular box that is 33 by 10 mm

Next, make another rectangular box with dimensions 10 by 30 on the left of it

Draw triangular spikes that has a 1 mm base and 1 mm height on the right side of the newly created box.

Now extrude the second and third box that we made by 20mm.

After, we extrude the first rectangle we made one way by 25mm and the other by 5.

Now create a sketch on the top of the extrusion we just made and draw a circle with its center on the center on the top rectangle with a diameter of 40 mm.

Now extrude it by 50 mm

To cut out a smaller cylinder inside we could use a shell or extrusion. It’s your choice, but I will use the extrusion method. We make a sketch on the top of the cylinder we just made and draw a circle with a diameter of 34 mm, then extrude it through the cylinder by 47 mm.

To prevent water from getting stored inside, we will create a sketch on the bottom of the inside of the cylinder and draw a cross with a width of 4 mm as shown in the picture below, then cut the area outside of the cross leaving us with a cylinder that is similar to a sniper’s scope.

Now draw a rectangle that is 25 by 7 mm on the rectangle shown and extrude it by 30

We will draw a rectangle that is 3 by 7 mms inside the rectangle that we extruded just now and extrude it outwards by 5 mm.

You may have to zoom in on the picture, but we now draw a circle that has a diameter of 1.5 mm that is 4 mm away from the L shape figure. We extrude that circle inwards until it completely goes through and makes a hole. This is where the spring with attach to.

We will now make the spring that has a diameter of 2.5mm, section size of 1 mm and a height of 15 mm.
2nd Segment of Clasp

Draw a rectangle that is 7 by 3 mm. It has to be 6.5 mm west of the origin and draw the top right corner starting from 3.59 mm south of the new point we made. Extrude it backwards by 5 mm.

Draw another rectangle behind the one we just made and with its center on the one we just made that is 24.5 by 6.5. Extrude it backwards by 6.5 mm

On the back of the rectangular box we just made, draw a rectangle that is 20 by 9.5 mm and extrude it outwards by 7 mm

Now we could extrude the bottom of the rectangular box by 20.25 mm.

Draw a rectangle that is 20 by 7 mm at the bottom of the front of the newly extruded rectangular box.

We will now extrude it forward and create the corresponding spikes to the other side and the put them all together.
Print It Out!!!

Thank you for looking!