USB Moodlight

In this instructable, i will teach you (and everyone else) how to make the coolest 2 dollar usb moodlight ever! This is my 3rd instructable, and i am taking pictures with a webcam. I have had a few technical difficulties with the notes, so... Unfortunatly, there isnt any, but i think the instructions are good enough. I hope you guys like it! And please! COMMENT IF YOU LIKE IT OR MADE IT. And plus it if you like it.

To make this, you will need the following items/tools:
4.5 volt mini mood light, Dolloramma
USB cable, salvaged, available at Dolloramma
Box cutter or wire cutter/stripper (wire stripper that is, you perverted fool)
Soldering iron/solder (optional)
Electrical Tape
Your Hands
4.5 volt mini mood light, Dolloramma
USB cable, salvaged, available at Dolloramma
Box cutter or wire cutter/stripper (wire stripper that is, you perverted fool)
Soldering iron/solder (optional)
Electrical Tape
Your Hands
Step # 1, 2, and 3 Combined.

Strip the USB cable's outer layer, and the insulation on the red and black wires, cut off the other two (white and green). Take off the battery cover on the moodlight... take out the batteries. Then you will need to use the screwdriver (not in material list) to unscrew the 4 screws under the moodlight.
Step # 4, 5 and 6 Combined

Now you will need to twist, or solder, the 2 wires, red and black, to the proper places inside the moodlight. Then, make a small notch that is big enough for the wire to go through, be careful though! Now you are ready to re-assemble the moodlight and enjoy. The next step is pictures of my end results.
End Results
