USB IR Remote Control for Your Desktop / Laptop
by Jestin_Cubetech in Circuits > Arduino
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USB IR Remote Control for Your Desktop / Laptop

USB IR Remote Control For your Desktop / Laptop computer
control your computer media player software using IR remote control.
- customizable and easy program design
- minimal components
- multiple remote decoding support
- USB operation [ No need for serial port ] suitable for laptop.
Arduino Leonardo

The Arduino Leonardo is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega32u4 (datasheet). It has 20 digital input/output pins (of which 7 can be used as PWM outputs and 12 as analog inputs), a 16 MHz
crystal oscillator, a micro USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; simply connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. The Leonardo differs from all preceding boards in that the ATmega32u4 has built-in USB communication, eliminating the need for a secondary processor. This allows the Leonardo to appear to a connected computer as a mouse and keyboard, in addition to a virtual (CDC) serial / COM port.
MicrocontrollerATmega32u4 Operating Voltage5V Input Voltage (recommended)7-12V Input Voltage (limits)6-20V Digital I/O Pins20 PWM Channels7 Analog Input Channels12 DC Current per I/O Pin40 mA DC Current for 3.3V Pin50 mA Flash Memory32 KB (ATmega32u4) of which 4 KB used by bootloader SRAM2.5 KB (ATmega32u4) EEPROM1 KB (ATmega32u4) Clock Speed16 MHz
Download the Arduino Software
usb driver installation steps
Arduino Remote Control Library

arduino tsop receiver library
Infrared remote library for Arduino: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols
Download: Arduino IRremote Library
VLC Hotkeys Table

- Fullscreen key-toggle-fullscreen f
- Leave fullscreen key-leave-fullscreen Esc
- Play/Pause key-play-pause Space
- Pause only key-pause [
- Play only key-play ]
- Faster key-faster +
- Slower key-slower -
- Normal rate key-rate-normal =
- Faster (fine) key-rate-faster-fine Unset
- Slower (fine) key-rate-slower-fine Unset
- Next key-next n
- Previous key-prev p
- Stop key-stop s
- Position key-position t
- Very short backwards jump key-jump-extrashort Shift-Left
- Very short forward jump key-jump+extrashort Shift-Right
- Short backwards jump key-jump-short Alt-Left
- Short forward jump key-jump+short Alt-Right
- Medium backwards jump key-jump-medium Ctrl-LeftM
- Medium forward jump key-jump+medium Ctrl-Right
- Long backwards jump key-jump-long Alt-Ctrl-Left
- Long forward jump key-jump+long Alt-Ctrl-Right
- Next frame key-frame-next e
- Activate key-nav-activate Enter
- Navigate up key-nav-up Up
- Navigate down key-nav-down Down
- Navigate left key-nav-left Left
- Navigate right key-nav-right Right
- Go to the DVD menu key-disc-menu Shift-m
- Select previous DVD title key-title-prev Shift-o
- Select next DVD title key-title-next Shift-b
- Select prev DVD chapter key-chapter-prev Shift-p
- Select next DVD chapter key-chapter-next Shift-n
- Quit key-quit Ctrl-q
- Volume up key-vol-up Ctrl-Up
- Volume down key-vol-down Ctrl-Down
- Mute key-vol-mute m
- Subtitle delay up key-subdelay-up h
- Subtitle delay down key-subdelay-down g
- Audio delay up key-audiodelay-up k
- Audio delay down key-audiodelay-down j
- Cycle audio track key-audio-track b
- Cycle through audio devices key-audiodevice-cycle Shift-a
- Cycle subtitle track key-subtitle-track v
- Cycle source aspect ratio key-aspect-ratio a
- Cycle video crop key-crop c
- Toggle autoscaling key-toggle-autoscale o
- Increase scale factor key-incr-scalefactor Alt-o
- Decrease scale factor key-decr-scalefactor Alt-Shift-o
- Cycle deinterlace modes key-deinterlace d
- Show interface key-intf-show i
- Hide interface key-intf-hide Shift-i
- Take video snapshot key-snapshot Shift-s
- Go back in browsing history key-history-back Shift-g
- Go forward in browsing history key-history-forward Shift-h
- Record key-record Shift-r
- Dump key-dump Shift-d
- Zoom key-zoom z
- Un-Zoom key-unzoom Shift-z
- Toggle wallpaper mode key-wallpaper w
- Display OSD menu on top key-menu-on Alt-Shift-m
- Do not display OSD menu key-menu-off Alt-Ctrl-m
- Highlight widget on the right key-menu-right Alt-Shift-Right
- Highlight widget on the left key-menu-left Alt-Shift-Left
- Highlight widget on top key-menu-up Alt-Shift-Up
- Highlight widget below key-menu-down Alt-Shift-Down
- Select current widget key-menu-select Alt-Shift-Enter
- Crop one pixel from the top key-crop-top Alt-r
- Uncrop one pixel from the top key-uncrop-top Alt-Shift-r
- Crop one pixel from the left key-crop-left Alt-d
- Uncrop one pixel from the left key-uncrop-left Alt-Shift-d
- Crop one pixel from the bottom key-crop-bottom Alt-c
- Uncrop one pixel from the bottom key-uncrop-bottom Alt-Shift-c
- Crop one pixel from the right key-crop-right Alt-f
- Uncrop one pixel from the right key-uncrop-right Alt-Shift-f
- Random key-random r
- Normal/Repeat/Loop key-loop l
- 1:4 Quarter key-zoom-quarter Ctrl-1
- 1:2 Half key-zoom-half Ctrl-2
- 1:1 Original key-zoom-original Ctrl-3
- 2:1 Double key-zoom-double Ctrl-4
- Very short jump length (integer) extrashort-jump-size 3
- Set playlist bookmark 1 key-set-bookmark1 Ctrl-F1
- Set playlist bookmark 2 key-set-bookmark2 Ctrl-F2
- Set playlist bookmark 3 key-set-bookmark3 Ctrl-F3
- Set playlist bookmark 4 key-set-bookmark4 Ctrl-F4
- Set playlist bookmark 5 key-set-bookmark5 Ctrl-F5
- Set playlist bookmark 6 key-set-bookmark6 Ctrl-F6
- Set playlist bookmark 7 key-set-bookmark7 Ctrl-F7
- Set playlist bookmark 8 key-set-bookmark8 Ctrl-F8
- Set playlist bookmark 9 key-set-bookmark9 Ctrl-F9
- Set playlist bookmark 10 key-set-bookmark10 Ctrl-F10
- Play playlist bookmark 1 key-play-bookmark1 F1
- Play playlist bookmark 2 key-play-bookmark2 F2
- Play playlist bookmark 3 key-play-bookmark3 F3
- Play playlist bookmark 4 key-play-bookmark4 F4
- Play playlist bookmark 5 key-play-bookmark5 F5
- Play playlist bookmark 6 key-play-bookmark6 F6
- Play playlist bookmark 7 key-play-bookmark7 F7
- Play playlist bookmark 8 key-play-bookmark8 F8
- Play playlist bookmark 9 key-play-bookmark9 F9
- Play playlist bookmark 10 key-play-bookmark10 F10
How to Find the Remote Code

1, load this program file in to your arduino leonardo board
2, follow the wiring diagram
3, open arduino IDE -> serial monitor
4, test your remote
2, follow the wiring diagram
3, open arduino IDE -> serial monitor
4, test your remote
Arduino Program - Add Remote Codes
///////////////////////////////// USER IR REMOTE CODE [SONY LCD TV REMOTE ] ///////////////////////
#define PLAY 0X2CE9
#define PAUSE 0X4CE9
//#define PLAY_PAUSE 0X0A70
#define VLC_ON 0X0A70
#define NEXT 0X5EE9
#define PRVS 0X1EE9
#define STOP 0X0CE9
#define MUTE 0X0290
#define VOLUME_UP 0X0490
#define VOLUME_DN 0X0C90
#define JFWD 0X1CE9
#define JBWD 0X6CE9
#define EXIT 0X0A90
Arduino Program - Add Hot Keys
single key press
eg: Keyboard.write('s'); //key s for stop in vlc player;
modifier keys,cursor movement key
, );;
Keyboard.releaseAll(); release the modifier keys function
/////////////////////////// MEDIA PLAYER HOT KEYS /////////////////////////////////
#define PLAY_FUN Keyboard.write(']');
#define PAUSE_FUN Keyboard.write('[');
//#define PLAY_PAUSE_FUN Keyboard.write(' ');
#define VLC_ON_FUN;;
Keyboard.write('v'); delay(100); Keyboard.releaseAll(); //VLC shortcut [ alt+ctrl+v ]
#define NEXT_FUN Keyboard.write('n');
#define PRVS_FUN Keyboard.write('p');
#define STOP_FUN Keyboard.write('s');
#define MUTE_FUN Keyboard.write('m');
#define VOLUME_UP_FUN;;
delay(100); Keyboard.releaseAll();
#define VOLUME_DN_FUN;;
delay(100); Keyboard.releaseAll();
#define JBWD_FUN );;
delay(100); Keyboard.releaseAll();
#define JFWD_FUN );;
delay(100); Keyboard.releaseAll();
#define EXIT_FUN; Keyboard.write('q');
delay(100); Keyboard.releaseAll();
Arduino Program - Add a New Function
#define <KEY name> <remote code >
eg: #define NEW_HOTKEY 0x70
#define <hot_macro> <single key /key combination>
eg: #define STOP_FUN Keyboard.write('s'); //write s for stop
add if else ladder
else if (results.value==<KEY name>) {hot_macro }
eg: else if (results.value==EXIT) {EXIT_FUN; }
compile and upload your code.
eg: #define NEW_HOTKEY 0x70
#define <hot_macro> <single key /key combination>
eg: #define STOP_FUN Keyboard.write('s'); //write s for stop
add if else ladder
else if (results.value==<KEY name>) {hot_macro }
eg: else if (results.value==EXIT) {EXIT_FUN; }
compile and upload your code.
Arduino Program

install IR library
step 1: download library
step 2: copy to arduino installed folder
eg: [ C:\Program Files\Arduino\libraries ]
step 3: restart arduino IDE
step 1: download library
step 2: copy to arduino installed folder
eg: [ C:\Program Files\Arduino\libraries ]
step 3: restart arduino IDE
Arduino Keyboard and Mouse Library Functions

Wiring Diagram

