USB 10mm LED Lamp
The USB 10 mm LED lamp was built with a USB cable, a 10mm LED, a mini round PCB, and a resistor of 43 Ohm.
List of Materials
1 USB Cable
1 Round mini PCB
1 10 mm Clear LED
1 Resistor of 43 Ohm
1 2" Heat Shrink tubing
Schematic Diagram
Follow the diagram for completing your project successfully.
Preparing the USB Cable
For preparing the USB cable, you should peel it and then removing the rest the wires by leaving the red and black one only.
Place the Heat Shrink Tubing
Placing the heat shrink tubing, you can be sure that it won't be forgot of being used in the project.
Insert the 10 Mm LED
After inserting the 10 mm LED, you should solder its pins on the round PCB.
Soldering the Resistor of 43 Ohm
Solder the resistor of 43 Ohm.
Assembling the Project
For assembling the project, you can use extra heat shrink tubing for adjusting better the connections.
Completing the Project
For completing the project, slide the heat shrink tubing and heat it for adjusting it.
Final Result
The final result is literally a flexible lamp that can be used in a laptop or USB charger.
Using the Project
You can use the project with a laptop or USB charger.