by oldmaninSC in Workshop > Science

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This is a super easy James Webb mirror. The mirrors I have seen require a slab of mdf and power tools and a complicated frame. So I made 3d prints that just glue to a 30x20 $1 foam board made in the usa. The mirrors are on amazon for $14. I made the tower smaller and hollow so you can put flashing led inside. Just some E6000 glue and thats all. No paint, saws, sanding, no work.


foam board.jpg

the mirrors are at amazon but can be found anywhere. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09722MG6S?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details.

The foam board is at dollartree soon to be $1.25 tree.

Any utility knife with a NEW blade.

E6000 glue, the best glue ever


foam board 02.jpg
center layout.jpg
build to sides.jpg
cut out foam 01.jpg
cut foam 02.jpg

Find a board that is FLAT as possible. Any ripples or distortion will bend the thin plastic mirrors. This is my first mistake. I used a board with small ripples and the image is distorted. A thick poster board may be better or use the poster board as a first layer and glue to the foam board. I also used a pressure roller to press the mirrors to the board and this much pressure made the ripples worse. But I sorta like the ripple affect.

Divide the board in half and then measure over 2.5 inches. The width of the mirrors (5inch/2) This is the edge of the center row of mirrors. Build the center first by gluing from bottom up and NOT gluing the middle mirror. (3rd pix). By making the center first there is less of a distortion and poor fit as you move to the sides. Tilt the mirrors so they touch and then lay flat. once they lay flat there is NO way to move them so the center layout needs to be perfect. If you did this on a wall I would put a mild soap and water spray on the wall and this will allow for minor movements.

When mirrors are placed just use a utility knife and cut around the edges. (4-5 pix)

STL Files

4 pc stls.jpg
8 frames.jpg
center tower btm.jpg
tower top.jpg
hollow tower.jpg
tower build.jpg

print the stl files.

I made the tower shorter and hollow. there is room for electronics and batteries and flashing leds. I haven't decided if this will make the mirror better or worse.

The tower has 2mm screws that self tap. The original NASA stl tower would NEVER print. That is why I made separate pieces that are flat.

The frame has some wiggle room that makes gluing easy. . I print on a glass sheet and this gives the frame a great look.

I use windows 3d builder and it is easy to work with. It comes free with windows 8 and up. If you glued on a thin poster board the height of the frame may be too big. 3dbuilder can split to whatever height you want.

Before you print all 8 frames print on and see if it fits. This was the hardest design for me as I made over 20 frame sections just to get them perfect and to line up.


gluing frame.jpg
full build.jpg

Peal back the plastic covers just halfway. This keeps your finger prints off the mirror. Then glue.


finished outside.jpg

I am old and unphotogenic so to take a photo of the mirror I always showed up in the image. So I took the mirror outside and got a side angle of sky and trees instead of me. This is one of the FEW things I have made and the wife let me put it in the living room. The rest of my STUFF is scattered around my shop.

Hope this inspires you to do SOMETHING. please see some of my other stuff.

Thanks oldmaninSC