Two Clap ON - Clap OFF Circuits - 555 IC | 4017 IC

by Molted in Circuits > Electronics

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Two Clap ON - Clap OFF Circuits - 555 IC | 4017 IC


Clap ON - Clap OFF circuit is the circuit which can be used to control variety of electronic equipment by just a CLAP. One clap turns the load ON and another clap turns it OFF.

It's very common and simple to make this circuit using IC 4017, but here, I'll also show you how to make it without the 4017 IC, but by using very common IC - 555 Timer IC.

Circuit Diagram

clapon cd.jpg
clapon toggle cd.jpg

These are the circuit diagrams for making circuit using :

  • IC 4017
  • Toggle Switch



These are the Components Required for making circuit :

1. Using IC 4017

• IC 4017

• Condenser Microphone

• Transistor: BC547 (2)

• Resistors: 100K, 1K (2), 330Ω


2. Using 555 Timer IC

• 555 Timer IC (2)

• Condenser Microphone

• Relay (6V)

• Diode (1N4007)

• Transistors: BC547

• Resistors: 100K (2), 47K, 10K (2), 1K, 330 Ω

• Capacitor: 1 μF (2)


Other Requirements:

• Batteries: 9V (2) and battery clips

• Breadboard

• Breadboard Connectors

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Two ways to make Clap ON - Clap OFF Circuit || 555 IC or 4017 IC || Step-by-Step Tutorial