Twitter 101

by jar313 in Circuits > Websites

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Twitter 101

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Before you begin your Twitter experience, there are a few terms that you will frequently encounter, both in these instructions and while using Twitter. We think it is essential that you know the following:
@: The @ sign is used to call out usernames in Tweets, like this: Hello @Twitter! When a username is preceded by the @ sign, it becomes a link to a Twitter profile. This is referred to as tagging.
Follow: To follow someone on Twitter means to subscribe to their tweets on the site.
Hashtag: A hashtag involves putting a # symbol in front of a word to make it as a keyword or topic within a tweet.
Lists: Lists are groups of other Twitter users used to tie specific individuals into a group on your Twitter account. These lists are displayed on the right side of your homepage.
Retweet: Retweet (or retweeting) is the act of forwarding another user’s tweets to all of your followers.
Tweet: A message posted via Twitter containing 140 characters or fewer.

Making a Twitter Account

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Note: If you already have a Twitter account, you may skip to TASK TWO.

A. Go to This will take you to the Twitter home page.

B. Find the yellow SIGN UP button and click it.

C. Your browser will take you to the JOIN THE CONVERSATION page. Fill out the Full name, Username, Password, and Email fields. Once you have finished, click CREATE MY ACCOUNT.

Note C.1: When choosing a Username, make sure to keep it professional.
Rather than 2Qt4U, we strongly suggest a combination of your name/birthday
(for example: JSmith05)

Note C.2: Under the CREATE MY ACCOUNT button, there is a checkbox that
says “I want the inside scoop- please send me email updates.” If you DO
NOT want to be emailed by Twitter, you should uncheck this box now

D. Once you have clicked CREATE MY ACCOUNT, you will receive a pop up box that asks you to type a couple of words. Type the words you see, and then click FINISH.

Note D.1: Once you have created your Twitter account, you will receive an
email, at the address you provided, asking you to confirm your account.
Follow the steps in the email to make sure that your account is confirmed.

E. Twitter will then take you to the first of three steps to finish. If you would like, you may complete these three steps, but for the sake of this tutorial, we will have you skip them. Now, CLICK the Twitter logo at the top of the page (it will take you to your home page).

Search for People/Organizations/Companies

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A. You are now at your homepage. The homepage will display the tweets of people/companies that you choose to follow. It is constantly updating you with their information.

B. Click in the Search box on the right hand side of your screen

C. Type a location of where you would like to work (state, or even city) followed by the specific field that you are interested in working in.

Note C.1: For this example, we typed “jobs hiring Tucson” and then
pressed enter.

Note C.2: Be sure to keep your searches as simple as possible, this
will produce the most results

D. Scroll to a tweet that interests you. Click the photo icon to the left of the post, this will take you to the company’s Twitter profile.

E. Click the FOLLOW button under the Company’s title.

F. Once you have clicked FOLLOW, you will see a green check mark and the word FOLLOWING.

Note F.1: By following this profile, you will start to see the company’s tweets
in the news feed on your home page. Also, following the company will allow
you to put it into a list, which you will be learning how to do in Task Three.

G. Now, repeat steps D – F to find two other companies and follow them.

Creating Twitter Lists

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A. Now that you have found companies you may want to work for, you will create a Jobs list, which allows you to separate companies you are interested in working for from other profiles you are following.

B. Return to your homepage by clicking Home at the top of your screen

C. On the right side of your screen, find the NEW LIST button and click it.

Note C.1: For this tutorial, you will only be making a Jobs list, but once you
become more familiar with Twitter, you can use the list function to sort your
other interests, as well. (For example: Sports, friends, art, fashion…etc…)

D. A box will pop up that gives you the option to title your list, to add a description, and to adjust the privacy settings for the list. Once you have completed the form, click CREATE LIST.

Note D.1: Each of these are up to you, but for our example, we changed the
setting from Public to Private

F. Twitter will bring you to a page that says "What's happening" and "Find people to add to your list." Click on the FOLLOWING link (which will take you to the page of all of the profiles you are following).

G. Click the button that looks like a bulleted list.

H. Select the list you would like this profile to be a part of by Clicking the checkbox next to the list's name.

Video of Steps 2 and 3

Here is a video of what steps 2 and 3 will look like. 

Task Four: Tweeting Resume to a Company

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A. Open another window in your browser and go to

B. Fill out the following fields
--What: Twitter Resume (do not change this)
--Twitter name: This is your Twitter username (JSmith05)
--Headline: Think of something catchy.
--Twitter Resume: Type what qualifies you here. You have 140 characters, so be concise.
                    Note B.1: Make sure all of these words are spelled correctly.
                    Note B.2: Avoid typos!

--Skill Tags? Think of your skills. (Microsoft Office, Mac proficiency...etc...)
--If you have a LinkedIn account- type your username here. If not, leave this field blank.
--Industry: from the dropdown menu, select your desired industry
--Education Level? What’s your highest level of education?
--How much experience do you have? Select a range of years.
--There are two boxes beneath experience for you to check:
              1. Display on search results (leave it checked)
               2. Select whether or not you’re currently employed.

C. Click “Create Twitter Resume”

D. Once you have pressed Create Twitter Resume, TWTjobs will take you to a screen called Share It!

E. Locate the words "OR USE THIS LINK" (under them should be a field that contains a hyperlink). Copy that link (eventually, you will be pasting it into a tweet on Twitter).

F. Return to the Twitter home page

G. Look for the words "WHAT'S HAPPENING" (under this headline will be where you type your Tweet).

F. Tag the company of your choice (remember, to tag, put an @ symbol in front of their Twitter handle, like this: @JSmith05)

Note F.1: Type a brief statement, and paste the link to your resume. (You
only have 140 characters here too, think of something along the lines of
Graduate looking for writing job in Tucson, AZ, then paste the link)

j. Click TWEET—you have now sent your resume to the company of your choice! Best luck to you!