Tweets on OLED SPI Display and Particle's Photon Board

by Arthur Lorencini in Circuits > Microcontrollers

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Tweets on OLED SPI Display and Particle's Photon Board


Greetings, everyone. This easy tutorial will show us how to read our tweets using IFTTT and a Photon board. You may need to see this instructable.


You must have:

  • IFTTT account
  • Pre-configured Photon board
  • OLED Display (in this case, I'm going to use my 7-pin OLED SPI Display)
  • Photon Board
  • Protoboard
  • Some male jumpers

Making the Code

The code is pretty simple. All we have to do is to set up the display and pins the same way I did in this instructable and create a "Particle Function" that IFTTT will call it when our tweet is posted. This function will change the string that is displayed by our OLED screen.

The comments inside the code will help you understand how it works.

Setting Up Your Applet


Let's create our applet. First of all, you need to create an IFTTT account and go to . After that, go to "Personal Applets" and make a new one. You can make it private if you want.

IFTTT means: "if this, then that"

Our applet will work in this way: "If I post a new tweet (our this, for now), then a function will be called inside photon board (our that, for now)"

Choose the Trigger


Trigger settings
Choose Twitter as your trigger service and make sure you choose the "New tweet by you" field. You can also include retweets and replies if you want.

Choose the Action


Actions settings

Now we must choose Particle as our action service. Choose "Then call (Function Name)" You can change the input field by whatever you want. You can also choose to "add ingredients" to have a more dynamic response.

After doing this, let's give our system a try.

Testing If It Works


All you have to do now is to enable the applet and to link your Twitter and Particle account to IFTTT. With this, IFTTT will be able to do it's magic properly.

After you link the accounts, you now have to choose some parameters.

If you set up everything correctly, go and tweet a "hello world" and the board will display it in a few minutes.



That's all for today, folks. Any questions, please ask.