Tundra’s Treasure
Bury treasure inside a 3D map of a frozen tundra and create another map to record the location.
modeling paste
permanent marker
modeling paste
permanent marker
Buried Treasure
Tear off a square piece of aluminum foil.
Place the jewels on top of the foil.
Wrap foil around the treasure, creatIng a mountain peak.
Place the jewels on top of the foil.
Wrap foil around the treasure, creatIng a mountain peak.
Mountain Range
Crumple other pieces of torn foil around the mountain.
Build and shape the ranges as you spread out.
Build and shape the ranges as you spread out.
Covered With Snow
Apply modeling paste on the canvas.
Place the mountain ranges on top and apply more modeling paste over the foil and canvas.
Place the mountain ranges on top and apply more modeling paste over the foil and canvas.
Frozen Tundra
Use modeling paste to adhere the dried moss to the canvas.
Apply the paste on top of the greens to create the frozen flora.
Apply the paste on top of the greens to create the frozen flora.
Arctic Winter
Use the modeling paste to build the frozen earth and apply white paint over the entire canvas.
Leather Treasure Map
Use a permanent marker to draw the map of the tundra.
Mark the location of the treasure with an X.
Mark the location of the treasure with an X.