Trilobite Knot Keychain
Finding the Supplies
Paracord 5 ft for 2 colors
Putting It on the Tape
Put the 2 same size paracord ropes end two end find the middle by making the opposite 2 end to meet. Put that middle on the tape
Lay It Out
Lat it out as I did so. Color : other color : color : other color
Starting the Weave
Start knotting your rope
Do the Weave
Start one of the cords and make it go up the under 1 over 2 and under 1. Do the opposite for the next one. Go up then over 1 under 2 then over 1. Make sure both colors CROSS.
Other Side
Here's a picture of the other side
Light both of the ends to make it easier to weave it . CAUTION CAN GET VERY HOT. I am not responsible for any injuries.The sticker tape the better. If you do the rope that is going under the 2 ropes he easier. The ropes have to cross each other.
Keep repeating the process without doing the knot. Be carful not to twist the cords
Tie It Off and Cut and Light
Tie it at the end. Cut the part you were weaving with and tuck it in the last weave. Using a lightest link them together. Cut the long part at the bottom and link that
Adding It to the Keychain
Open the part of the keychain and stick the 2 ends it. Keep sliding it down until it locks in. (Feel free to add a monkey fist that I showed how to do to).
You Are Done
Enjoy attach it to a backpack as an idea.