Trigonometric Functions

by richjd in Living > Education

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Trigonometric Functions

In electronics it is important that one be able to recognize wave patterns and their meanings. A good understanding of the trigonometric functions (SIN, COS, TAN, CSC, SEC, COT) is a must.
The following program will graph these functions and facilitate the study of AMPLITUDE, PHASE SHIFT, VERTICAL TRANSLATION and PERIOD. One is able to graph functions that are ADDED, SUBTRACTED, ABSOLUTE VALUE, and functions raised EXPONENTIALLY.

For the biginner, it is best to experiment using one function, the SIN for example. Procede as follows and use the (H)ELP screen frequently to check out definitions:

NOTE: If you succeed in mastering only the SIN and the COS functions you are doing well.

a) Do Amplitude, Period, Phase Shift, and Vertical Tanslation with SIN. Do several examples of each on the SIN function until you are comfortable with the meaning of each operation.

b) Repeat the above using the COS function.

c) Using only the SIN and the Cos functions, experiment doing ADDITION, SUBTRUATION, ABSOLUTE VALUE, and EXPONENTIALS.

d) Experiment using the other Trig functions. Look up the meaning of the word ASYMPTOTE and graph the TAN function. See the curve a-s-y-m-p-t-o-t-e !

When you RUN PT.EXE wait a few seconds while the program loads and auto-executes.
Ignore the address, etc., on the title page.
