Tribal Clay Mask

This is a simple and easy tribal clay mask making tutorial.
2)A cup
5)clay tools
6)News paper
7)plastic sheet.
Rough Sketch of Mask.

make a sketch of your expected design.
Setting Up
Spread a plastic sheet on floor. Fill water in cup . Wet the sponge.
Take a newspaper and make it into a ball of required size.
Using Clay

spread the clay and smooth it.
Cover the half of newspaper mold with clay.

Now draw your design on clay lightly. And cut out the eyes and mouth. Blend the cuted part.
Add On
Do the nose, nose ring, mouth, accessories, head band using clay. Now take a small amount of clay and add water to it, make it as a paste. Using this paste as glue, attach them. Blend and make them smooth.
Finishing Touch

Using clay tools, do the designs on it. Let it dry. Put it in fire blast later. And your tribal clay mask is READY!