The purpose of my robot is to make taking out the trash can easier. It’s job is to grab onto the trash can, push it onto the end of your driveway (or wherever you have your trash picked up) and then take the trash can back when it is emptied. It uses several different tools in order to achieve this purpose. It has 3 wheels so that it will stay stable when it is pushing the trash can. It will also have sensors on it so that it is able to avoid any obstacles that might stand in its way. It has a claw that is used to hold onto the trash can when it is being taken towards its destination. The ends of the claws will also have sensors that will be able to sense when the claw is gripping onto the trash can. This can be used so that the robot is able to hold onto a trash can of any size. The robot can be calibrated so it will know which points it will have to go to. It will be able to recognize where the trash can will usually stay and where it will have to be taken for the trash can to be picked up. It can also have a timer so it knows when it should bring the trash out and when it should bring it back in.